Preben Alsholm

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Preben Alsholm

@acer The link works in Firefox for me too without signing in.

There is really no need for that. You can use 'And'( 'posint', 'satisfies'( s -> s>1))

map(type, [ 0, 1, 2 ], 'And'( 'posint', 'satisfies'( s -> s>1)));


Very nice!
Two comments:
1. You don't need the assume line.

2. evalm should be deleted since it belongs to the ancient world of the linalg package, which was replaced by the LinearAlgebra package with the release of Maple 6. It is, however, harmless.

Just writing eq := simplify(dk_B - (m_BC + m_BO + m*LinearAlgebra:-CrossProduct(vC, vB)));
is enough.

@acer It must have happened in the same release where the former ditto:  "  was changed to %.

@michele Try this out to see for yourself:
Go to  the menu on top and take these steps:Tools/Options/Display/Input display.
There you have two options 2D math or Maple Notation.
Choose the latter. Then go to the bottom and hit the button Apply to Session (or Apply Globally, if you want).
Just as Carl I never use 2D math except in situations like this.

It doesn't happen if you use Maple notation a.k.a, 1D input.
With 2D input I see it in Maple 2023.
The behavior is the same in Maple 2024.
That behavior is also present in Maple 12. (!)

@C_R Unfortunately, Maximize doesn't do well:

G:= (x,y)->(-2.4 + 25.20*y^2 - 18.48*y^3)*x^3 + (2.1 - 30.87*y^2 + 23.10*y^3)*x^2 + (-0.84*y^2 + 0.66*y^3)*x + 1. + 2.1*y^2 - 2.2*y^3;
Optimization:-Maximize(G(x,y),x=0..1,y=0..1); # Wrong

Maximize gets the result [1., [x = 0., y = 0.]] , which is clearly wrong. The point (0,0) isn't a local maximum, in fact it is a local minimum:


Result: 1. + 2.1*x^2 + 2.1*y^2. Thus (0,0) is a local minimum.

Didn't you report this difference earlier? I surely remember seeing something at least very similar from your hand.

If you add the option numpoints=10000 you get a much better curve:

sol_plot := plots:-odeplot(sol, [[x(t), y(t)]], 0 .. 100, numpoints = 10000, color = "blue")

Since the help page clearly says:

variables:  (optional) name or set or list of names; unknown(s) for which to solve.

this is a bug.
If you just use solve(eqs) then NULL is returned (i.e. nothing).

@Christopher2222 Thank you!  Indeed there is a help page for Matrix Browser in Maple versions 2021, 2022, and 2023.

Whereas I can get double clicking in Maple 2024 work without any problem I'm not able to do that in those other versions. That's what made me write that it is a new feature.
I don't know why the feature doesn't work for me in those previous versions. They are on the same computer as Maple 2024.

PS. I checked on old laptop, which also has Maple 2021.
Same refusal to react to double click.
PPS. It has to do with my setting of typesetting. I use standard in all versions including Maple 2024.
Double clicking works on the previous versions only for typesetting = extended.


@C_R I looked at the help page ? Browse Matrix: Viewing Arrays, Matrices, or Vectors.

I agree that the Display setting Structure combined with a Colormap setting of Cool (or Hot) shows a color that doesn't correspond with the legend, but only if all elements are actually zero.
Same error with Display = Magnitude

This Matrix Browser is a new feature in Maple 2024.
This appears to me to be a bug.
If you consider  Matrix(11,11,fill=17)  then there is no problem.

Why expect a black image?
Try experimenting:

Matrix(11,11,(i,j)-> `if`(i=1,j,5));
Matrix(11,11,(i,j)-> `if`(i>1,j,5));

You could also experiment with the menu Colormap inside the browser.
There you can choose Grayscale, Hue, Hot, or Cool.
If you choose Cool your Matrix(11,11) will be black; choosing Hot it will be white.

@Thomas Richard I got my old laptop up and running and could just confirm that.

I keep that computer simply because it has my old Maple versions.

@ On older versions kernelopts(versionnumber)  doesn't exist, but kernelopts(version) does.
On this computer I have besides the most recent versions Maple 12; no kernelopts(versionnumber)

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