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4 years, 276 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by RafalAblamowicz


Maple 2017.3 has these problems which hamper my work with it. I shown three examples.

Example 1: Maple cannot recognize automatically that two complex numbers are equal:

[>eq1:=9*exp((1/9)*(5*I)*Pi)-9*exp((1/9)*(2*I)*Pi) = -8*exp((1/9)*(2*I)*Pi)+7*exp((1/9)*(5*I)*Pi)+exp((1/18)*(13*I)*Pi)*sqrt(3);

Here, lhs(eq1) and rhs(eq1) are in fact equal. Yes, evela(simplify(lhs(eq1)-rhs(eq1)) reduces to zero but not when solving equations (see Example 2).

Example 2:


yields no answer.

Example 3:


Maple fails to substitute the alias and recognize that rt=omega.

Any suggestion on a work-around problems 2 and 3 would be helpful.


Rafal Ablamowicz


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