Ravi Gullapalli 0

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3 years, 132 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Ravi Gullapalli 0

@samlin, a fellow user helped me locate the Clifford package. Here is the abstract of paper published along with the package.



CLIFFORD performs various computations in Graßmann and Clifford algebras. It can compute with quaternions, octonions, and matrices with entries in Cl(B) - the Clifford algebra of a vector space V endowed with an arbitrary bilinear form B. Two user-selectable algorithms for the Clif- ford product are implemented: cmulNUM - based on Chevalley’s recursive formula, and cmulRS - based on a non-recursive Rota-Stein sausage. Graß- mann and Clifford bases can be used. Properties of reversion in undotted and dotted wedge bases are discussed.

Keywords: Quantum Clifford algebra, contraction, dotted wedge product, grade involution, Graßmann algebra, Hopf algebra, multivector, octonions, quaternions, reversion, wedge product, Geometric Poduct, inner product, Geometric algebra.

Hey @Ronan.... Indeed it is the one. Thanks a million.

Fellow mapleprimes users. Here is link to paper published by the authors of Clifford Package. Also pasted abstract and keywords for users to find this link, searching for Clifford package.



CLIFFORD performs various computations in Graßmann and Clifford algebras. It can compute with quaternions, octonions, and matrices with entries in Cl(B) - the Clifford algebra of a vector space V endowed with an arbitrary bilinear form B. Two user-selectable algorithms for the Clif- ford product are implemented: cmulNUM - based on Chevalley’s recursive formula, and cmulRS - based on a non-recursive Rota-Stein sausage. Graß- mann and Clifford bases can be used. Properties of reversion in undotted and dotted wedge bases are discussed.

Keywords: Quantum Clifford algebra, contraction, dotted wedge product, grade involution, Graßmann algebra, Hopf algebra, multivector, octonions, quaternions, reversion, wedge product, Geometric Poduct, inner product, Geometric algebra.


Took too long to get back to you.

My maplesoft account is raviofcal@gmail.com. I don't have enough reputations or badges to reach out to you directly through email.

Please send me zip file, hoping you still have it. I will take help maplesoft team, If I couldn't install it on my own.


@Axel Vogt  I will try. Thanks a lot!

@samlin , thank you for coding the package.

I could install, the version one, from maple cloud.

Couldn't find, version two, with your fixes to 'maple help'. i.e the link in the post is broken.

Some scholar posted, in his paper, he used Maple for Geometric Algebra.

"It needs the commercial Maple system [MAP, 2009] as well as a specific geometric algebra package [Ablamowicz and Fauser, 2009]and is restricted to geo- metric algebras with dimension <= 9. The Maple based compilation uses the powerful symbolic computation feature of Maple ."

I couldn't find this any where... did you get to notice it?

Thank You!

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