Robert Israel

6567 Reputation

21 Badges

18 years, 19 days
University of British Columbia
Associate Professor Emeritus
North York, Ontario, Canada

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by Robert Israel

I have contributed another application to the Application Center: "Street-fighting Math".
This interactive Maple document contains a simple street-fighting game and performs a
mathematical analysis of it, involving probability and game theory. 

I've submitted an application to the Application Center: An Epidemic Model (for Influenza or Zombies).  This is an interactive Maple document, suitable for instructional use in an undergraduate course in mathematical biology or differential equations, or a calculus course that include differential equations. ...

My daughter the psychiatrist recently shared a link with me that mentioned a factoid about Facebook: "84 per cent of people think their friends have more friends than they do".  Actually they don't just think this: for 84 percent of Facebook users, the median friend count of their friends is higher than their own friend count, according to

The "." notation for the dot product of Vectors is very convenient and intuitive.  For example:

> <1,2,3> . <1,1,1>;


One sometimes annoying feature of it, however, is that by default Maple is using a dot product (suitable for Vectors with complex scalars) that is conjugate-linear in the first argument.  But let's say you will only be working with real scalars.  There's no problem if your Vectors have numeric entries, but...

I've submitted an application to the Application Center: Great Expectations.  This is an interactive Maple document, suitable for instructional use in an undergraduate course in Probability.  The mathematical content is related to the Laws of Large Numbers and Central
Limit Theorem.  It requires no knowledge of Maple to use.

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