
1207 Reputation

14 Badges

12 years, 211 days
East Grinstead, United Kingdom

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Ronan

@Scot Gould Nice.

@Kitonum @Rouben Rostamian Thank you both for you answers. I decided to go with 

if ((l1 &x l2) . (l1 &x l2)) =0 then....

because this also handles the case of one vector being a multiple of the other. I was looking at the vectors being equal but parallel is more appropiate description.

This works and it handles one vector being a multiple of the other.

((l1 &x l2) . (l1 &x l2))

@acer This is the complete procedure. You actually did a lot of work on it a few months ago. 
maplemint is only showing typeset as an undeclarel global variable. Do I just add
global typeset;

The shift seems to work well. What I did find is, have to count from 2nd item in the lists eval(':-shift',Q[2..-1])::float  because the text being the first  my not have an `=`.

I copied in other examples too to give an insight as to what the other parametes do.





Qdim := proc(P1, P2, {Q:=[ ]},
                     {corp::{"cart","proj"}:="cart"},#cartesian or projective
                     {leader::{-1,0,1}:= 1},
                     {point::list:=['color' = ':-blue', symbol = ':-solidcircle', 'symbolsize' = 12]},
description " plots Quadrance symbol and value (Q)";
uses pl=plots, pt=plottools ;#, RationalTrigonometry;

local a,f,g,h,v1,delta,mp, BoxQ,Qsymbol,ldr,pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4,Scl,xpsn,ypsn,zpsn,
global Projective_Z_Position;
if Projective_Z_Position=1 then   
end if;
if P1::{list} and P1[1]::{list,'Vector[row]'(3)} then
   if P1[1]::'Vector[row]'(3) then
    elif  P1[1]::list then
   end if;     
   plttyp:=`if`(nops(pt1)=3,3,2); # print(pt1,plttyp);
   if P1::'Vector[row]'(3) then
   end if;
end if;    

if P2::{list}  and P2[1]::{list,'Vector[row]'(3)} then
   if P2[1]::'Vector[row]'(3)  then

    elif  P2[1]::list then
   end if;     
   plttyp:=`if`(nops(pt2)=3,3,2); # print(pt2,plttyp);
   if P2::'Vector[row]'(3)then
   end if;
end if;

if type(scale,'numeric') then
   if scale[1]::Vector[row](3) then
        pt3:=   [scale[1][xpsn]/scale[1][zpsn],scale[1][ypsn]/scale[1][zpsn]];
    end if;
   if scale[2]::Vector[row](3) then
        pt4:=  [scale[2][xpsn]/scale[2][zpsn],scale[2][ypsn]/scale[2][zpsn]];
    end if;
    if plttyp = 2 then
    end if;
end if;
if plttyp =2 then
     a :=Scl* dimoffset*0.1*leader*[-pt2[2]+pt1[2], pt2[1]-pt1[1]]; #dimension leader 2d lines
     a :=Scl* dimoffset*0.1*leader*[-pt2[2]+pt1[2], pt2[1]-pt1[1],pt2[3]-pt1[3]]; #dimension leader 3d lines
end if;
if Q<>[] and eval(':-shift',Q[2..-1])::float then
         qshift := eval(':-shift',Q[2..-1]);
         qshift := shift;
      end if;

  if vec<>[] and eval(':-shift',vec[2..-1])::float then
    vshift := eval(':-shift',vec[2..-1]);
    vshift := shift;
  end if;
mp:=(1-qshift)*pt1+qshift*pt2;  #midpoint of line
if plttyp = 2 then
#coorfinates of the sqnbol corners
 else  #3D
end if;

if leader<>0  then
 elif line<>[] then
end if;
if corp="cart" then
  elif (Q[1])=1 or Q[1]::specfunc(typeset) and ormap(is, [op(Q[1])], 1)  and corp="proj"   then
      if leader=0 or leader=1 then ldr:=1 else ldr:=-1 end if;
end if;
if point<>[]then           
pts12:=pt:-point([pt1,pt2],point[]);  #end points
end if;


if line<>[] then
  end if;
 if plttyp = 2  then
   if perp=false then
      f := pl:-textplot([op(((1-qshift)*pt1+qshift*pt2)+1*(a)),op(Q)]);  #Quadrance text
      f:=NULL;    #dont plot value with perp symbol
   end if;
   if txtplt1 then
      g := pl:-textplot( ptxtp1);
   end if;
   if txtplt2 then
      h := pl:-textplot( ptxtp2);
     h:= NULL;
   end if;
   if vec <> [] then
      v1:=pl:-textplot([op(((1-vshift)*pt1+vshift*pt2)), op(vec)]);#`#mover(mi("v"),mo("&rharu;"))`[1,2]   {':-below',':-right'}
   end if;
   if perp=false then
      f := pl:-textplot3d([op(((1-qshift)*pt1+qshift*pt2)+1*(a)),op(Q)]);
      f:=NULL;    #dont plot value with perp symbol
   end if;
   if txtplt1 then
         g := pl:-textplot3d( ptxtp1);
   end if;
   if txtplt2 then
         h := pl:-textplot3d( ptxtp2);
   end if;
   if vec <> [] then
         v1:=pl:-textplot3d([op(((1-vshift)*pt1+vshift*pt2)),op(vec)]);#`#mover(mi("v"),mo("&rharu;"))`[1,2]   {':-below',':-right'}
   end if;
end if;
#:-print("pltyp" , plttyp)  ;

if leader = 0 then    
end if;
end proc:



Procedure Qdim( P1, P2, { Q := [], corp::{"cart", "proj"} := "cart",
    dimoffset::{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/6, 2/3, 3/2, 3/4} :=
    1, leader::{-1, 0, 1} := 1, line::list := ['thickness' = 3], plopts::list
    := [], point::list := ['color' = ':-blue', symbol = ':-solidcircle',
= 12], scale::{integer, list} := 1, shift::float := .5,
    vec::list := [] } )
  These names were used as global names but were not declared:  typeset



pp1:=<1|3|2>:pp2:=<2|3/2|1/2>:#projective points



#default value of shift=0.5
Qdim([pp1,typeset("P1 ",pp1),align={below, right},color=magenta],pp2,dimoffset=3,Q=[typeset("Q=",3),align=[below,right]],vec=[(\n`#mover(mi("v"),mo("&rharu;"))`[1,2]),align={above,left},font=["century",14]],plopts=[color=blue])







"qshift=", .5


"vshift=", .5



#shift =0.8
Qdim([pp1,typeset("P1 ",pp1),align=[below,right],color=magenta],pp2,dimoffset=3,Q=[typeset("Q=",3),align=[below,right]],vec=[(\n`#mover(mi("v"),mo("&rharu;"))`[1,2]),align={above,left},font=["century",14]],shift=0.8,plopts=[color=blue])

"qshift=", .8


"vshift=", .8



#individual shift values for Q and vec override main shift value
Qdim([P5,typeset("P5 ",P5),align=[below,right],color=magenta],[P6,typeset("P6 ",P6),color="Green",align=right],dimoffset=3,Q=[typeset("Q=",20),colour=blue,align=[below,right],shift=0.35],vec=[(\n`#mover(mi("v"),mo("&rharu;"))`[5,6]),align={above,left},font=["century",14]],shift=0.8,plopts=[color=indigo],line=[thickness=2,linestyle=dash])

"qshift=", .35


"vshift=", .8




# Stacking dimensions by using scale, leader and dimoffset. Plus use of colour.
plt7:=Qdim([P1,typeset("  P1=",P1),align=[right],colour=red],[P2,typeset("P2=",P2,"  "),align=[left,above]] ,Q=[typeset("Q12=",29),align =[above,left]] ,leader=-1,dimoffset=5, point=[symbolsize=12,symbol=solidcircle,colour=blue]):
plt8:=Qdim(P1,[P4,typeset("P4=",P4,"   "),align=[left,above]] ,Q=[typeset("Q14=",261/100),align =[above,left]] ,scale=[P1,P2],leader=-1,dimoffset=1, point=[symbolsize=12,symbol=solidcircle,colour=blue]):
plt9:=Qdim(P1,[P5,typeset("P5=",P5,"   "),align=[below,right] ] ,Q=[typeset("Q15=",261/25),align =[above,left]] ,scale=[P1,P2],dimoffset=3,leader=-1,point=[symbolsize=12,symbol=solidcircle,colour=blue],plopts=[colour=blue]):


"qshift=", .5


"vshift=", .5


"qshift=", .5


"vshift=", .5


"qshift=", .5


"vshift=", .5



# Form a triangle. More use of colour and leader=0.
plt10:=Qdim(P1,[P3,typeset("P3=",P3),align=[right,below]],leader=0,Q=[typeset("   Q13=",241/4),align =[right]],plopts=[colour=purple]):
plt11:=Qdim(P2,P3,Q=[typeset("Q23=",157/4,"  "),align =[left]],leader=-1,point=[symbolsize=12,symbol=solidcircle,colour=blue],line=[colour="Green",thickness=2],plopts=[colour=purple]):

"qshift=", .5


"vshift=", .5


"qshift=", .5


"vshift=", .5



# A diagram with default dimension formats.
plt1:=Qdim([P1,typeset("  P1=",P1),align=[right],colour=red],[P2,typeset("P2=",P2),align=[left,above]] ,Q=[typeset("Q12=",29),align =[below,right]] , point=[symbolsize=12,symbol=solidcircle,colour=blue]):
plt2:=Qdim(P1,[P4,typeset("P4=",P4),align=[left,above]] ,Q=[typeset("Q14=",261/100),align =[below,right]] , point=[symbolsize=12,symbol=solidcircle,colour=blue]):
plt3:=Qdim(P2,P4 ,Q=[typeset("Q24=",1421/100," "),align =[below,right]] , point=[]):

"qshift=", .5


"vshift=", .5


"qshift=", .5


"vshift=", .5


"qshift=", .5


"vshift=", .5



# Using scale, leader and dimoffset to create a clearer diagram.
plt4:=Qdim([P1,typeset("P1=",P1),align=[right],colour=red],[P2,typeset("P2=",P2),align=[left,above]] ,Q=[typeset("Q12=",Q29),align =[below,right]] , point=[symbolsize=12,symbol=solidcircle,colour=blue]):
plt5:=Qdim(P1,[P4,typeset("P4=",P4,"   "),align=[left,above]] ,Q=[typeset("Q14=",261/100),align =[above,left]] ,scale=[P1,P2],leader=-1,dimoffset=2, point=[symbolsize=12,symbol=solidcircle,colour=blue]):
plt6:=Qdim(P2,P4 ,Q=[typeset("Q24=",1421/100),align =[above,left]] ,scale=[P1,P2],dimoffset=2, point=[]):

"qshift=", .5


"vshift=", .5


"qshift=", .5


"vshift=", .5


"qshift=", .5


"vshift=", .5






@mmcdara Very Nice. You should convert it to an asnwer. It is much less brute force than mine.

@acer I use the VS code editor with the Maple addin. Is there a difference between mint and maplemint. The code editor can run the command line version of maple and maplemint, which is very useful.
I don't find maplemint much good inside maple though.

@Kitonum I was bored at work.I didn't see that one. I was looking at you solution too.

On vectors v1,v2, I would use the determinat of the vector matrix as gives the signed area of a rectangle (so could be negative).


M:=<v2|v1> #
simplify(S1, {a*b=24}); # The answer


@Carl Love @Kitonum Thank you for your answers. I often struggle with the has select I never knew about primpart. I have two applications for simplifying one internal insde a packake and the other a commmand in another package. In the internal case I don not need to know the factors so primpart will be very useful there. Can you explain "searched for (disjunctively)"

On the command version the factors are be useful to have returned. 

@acer Thank you. I had to look at that eval(colour, styles1) for a couple of minutes befor it dawned on me why! Very Nice.

@acer I was going for that through divide and trunc. Forgot about iquo and irem 

What is was most stuck in was trying to get the color list out of the styles list. Realised I can do the following. Is there a more efficient way?

styles1:=[symbol=solidcircle,colour = [red,green,blue,magenta],symbolsize=20];
for i to nops(styles1) do
if has(styles1[i],colour) then
end if;
end do


@mmcdara I am basilally plotting points and lines. Using a tetrahedron for example. 4 points and 6 line segments with can be plotted using the plottools:-line command.display the 3Dplot. Using an orientation matrix and it's projection onto 2D can the (X,Y) actual plotted coords of the 3D points be accessed. Then do a 2D plot of these points and lines and plot  the text based on these points. The 2D plot would have to update if the 3D plot is rotated. I know that would not scale the height and length of the text.
 I have a procedure now for aligning text based on two points or a point and line/vector that alows shifting it back and forth parallel to the line/vector alongwith changing it's offset from the line to suit text size. I can modify it to share, because at present it calls other procedures in my package. 

@mmcdara Thank you for answering. You code is looking for some file img.jpg. Could you upload a copy. 
I sort of figured there is no good solution. I noticed even if one transforms a 2d plot to 3d the text looses alignment. 

I found the problem. I write the packace and procedures in the VS code editor. That can run CMaple which is useful. But to test the prcedures on their own I have to put in the line "uses RationalTrigonometry;" This then must be "# out" before building the package in Maple. Otherwise one get all sorts of warnings depending which proceduses it is used in. I found if because on a procedure I altered started producing warning about types being overwritten where as the previouse version of it did not. Of course i nthe process of tyring to find what was wrong, I uninstalled and reinstalled Maple thinking it must be some form of corruption.  All seems ok now.

@nm @C_R I have am writing my own RationalTrigonometry package. It has as two subpackages UHG and RT Projective.

It has been through various incarnations over the past few years. Some of the commands have changed. I was using the aliases to maintain compatability with older worksheets. The are turning out to be more trouble than they are worth.

As I said the problem began a few nights ago.

@mmcdara Oh Good.. The download from Google Docs worked for me.  Interesting post.

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