
607 Reputation

10 Badges

19 years, 294 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by SandorSzabo

Thanks. I also solved the problem with almost the same way. However I very hoped, that giving some options to dsolve, Maple will be able to show the second solution.

Thanks. I also solved the problem with almost the same way. However I very hoped, that giving some options to dsolve, Maple will be able to show the second solution.

In fact

convert(Sum((-1)^(2*_n1)*GAMMA(_n1-(1/2)*n)*x^(2*_n1)/(GAMMA(_n1+1)*GAMMA(-(1/2)*n)), _n1 = 0 .. infinity), hypergeom)



 what Maple found. So the question remains: how could I obtain by Maple the formal power series of the second solution?


In fact

convert(Sum((-1)^(2*_n1)*GAMMA(_n1-(1/2)*n)*x^(2*_n1)/(GAMMA(_n1+1)*GAMMA(-(1/2)*n)), _n1 = 0 .. infinity), hypergeom)



 what Maple found. So the question remains: how could I obtain by Maple the formal power series of the second solution?


Gee! I very rarely use simplify beacuse of its disadvanteges, instead of I usually use convert.


Gee! I very rarely use simplify beacuse of its disadvanteges, instead of I usually use convert.


Thanks. Everything is ok.

Thanks. Everything is ok.

I know it, that works. But I need to convert (z)_n , because in a step of calculation (by hypergeometric functions) Maple gives the result consisting of some (z)_n and a little bit it would be "ugly" to transform by hand the result.  For the sake of definitness, let us assume      

 k,j=>0 integers, j<=k,    and the formula  




I know it, that works. But I need to convert (z)_n , because in a step of calculation (by hypergeometric functions) Maple gives the result consisting of some (z)_n and a little bit it would be "ugly" to transform by hand the result.  For the sake of definitness, let us assume      

 k,j=>0 integers, j<=k,    and the formula  




That's all.

And, of course,  1.21*O(x) = O(x).


Maple gives only


For concrete values of a and b csgn gives only one value.

I would like to obtain a little bit more help.

Thanks,     Sandor


Maple gives only


For concrete values of a and b csgn gives only one value.

I would like to obtain a little bit more help.

Thanks,     Sandor


Thank you. I tried it and Maple11 gives

Im( u^4/(u+i v+lambda)^4 + 4 i u^3 v/(u+i v+lambda)^4 +...)

Of course the imaginary unit is correct, it comes from the palette and for 1,2,3 exponents everything is ok.

What is helped (!) the double expand,

Im( expand( ( u+i*v )^4 ) / expand( (u+i* v+lambda)^4 ) )

It is a strange behaviour S:-|

Thank you. I tried it and Maple11 gives

Im( u^4/(u+i v+lambda)^4 + 4 i u^3 v/(u+i v+lambda)^4 +...)

Of course the imaginary unit is correct, it comes from the palette and for 1,2,3 exponents everything is ok.

What is helped (!) the double expand,

Im( expand( ( u+i*v )^4 ) / expand( (u+i* v+lambda)^4 ) )

It is a strange behaviour S:-|

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