Tim Van Dusen

378 Reputation

7 Badges

18 years, 7 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by Tim Van Dusen

Below is an example, in html format, of some loan calculation steps - if you are interested:


and the maple worksheet zipped:


 I once got into a conversation with someone involved in real estate who was quite good at using the hand-held loan calculator that they use. I asked him how much he thought the interest on a $100,000.00 loan financed for only a single year at 6% would be. His response was $6,000.00 which is as most people assume. The correct answer is $3279.71. At the time, I wasn't at a computer with Maple at my fingertips and he didn't have his calculator, so I showed him using a slide rule. The loglog scales are necessary for the calculation, and it's not quite as accurate as the number given above. I think I might still have an example of that, using the virtual slide rule at  http://www.theKidsRule.com

- the second I posted, it occurred to me I just need to increase "numpoints" for the plot

Not sure how to put it here, so below is a link. I guess you need to right-click and do "save target as":


I just updated the link from a .mw to .zip, because the forum code was changing my file linked to from .mw to .xml. It seems like I'm really adding confusion to this thread - sorry.



You may need to close the file before the wait loop in order to read the contents right away. The flush that you are using, may not be doing it's job.

In a windows application, even if the buffers are flushed, I've had the flush fail on occassion.

Since you are appending, you should be able to open and close as often as you want. You can also just add a several writes with waits between, with time-stamps. Then rather than look at the file during the long loop, just wait until it's all done and then look at the time-stamps to comfirm operation.

For this particular situation, if the only need is to get a large dot on a line, one could do something like:

l := plot(x, color = red, thickness = 3);
d := pointplot([.5, .5], symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 70);
display([l, d], view = [0 .. 1, 0 .. 1]);



If both are to be used, I'd suggest getting the newest TI NSpire CAS calculator rather than the TI 89.

I've always used both the TI-89 and Maple, and for me that works well. I recently got the new NSpire CAS, and although it takes some getting used to, I really like it. And of course I really, really like Maple!

First I should mention that during my entire career as a programmer, I've never passed so many arguments to a single function as you are attempting to do here. That being the case, I can understand Maple creating a limit if a limit was required to improve efficiency one way or another somewhere else. I can also understand the complexity of passing anything resembling structured data of mixed data types between Maple and C. Concerning the use of WRAPPER, I see that as just a means of Maple outputting C code "Wrapped" by the headers and libraries it provides, so I doubt that it would be enlightening here as long as you understand how to deal with the C code with the usual headers and libraries that aren't shipped with Maple.

Concerning the passing of mixed data types, I still haven't figure out how to do such a thing and would continue to recommend placing all the same types into arrays and passing the arrays. That should allow unlimited values to be passed, yet keep the passed arguments to only a few. Let me know if you need an example of passing the arrays.

Below is a link to an html showing the C and Maple:


I've had no other problems interfacing one of my DLLs to Maple.

Passing everything in an array (as mentioned further up) like: 

    ARRAY(integer[4], float[8], datatype=typeN, ...) 

in Maple and then unraveling it as a struct in the C might work - I think I did something like that before.

- but I recommend you having a look at something new from Microsoft that does a lot of the step-by-step sort of thing:


It has a 30day free trial and after that, it's still really inexpensive. It's not even in the same league as Maple, but it's very inexpensive and is a really nice glorified calculator with lots of examples and options.



I just noticed that it no longer seems possible to subscribe to a thread. There were a lot of interesting threads I had subscribed to, which I would reference. I wish I had kept my own record but didn't. Is there any backup which contains the list of topics I had subscribed to that can be sent to me?

- that's going to be very useful.
I had it in there (y:=time()) but some how lost it while dealing with the "<" symbol within my message. Thanks for cleaing it up.
How about: waitTime := 2.5 #time in seconds to wait while time() < y+waitTime do end do; If that isn't what you want, and if you are in Windows, I can give you a DLL that will use the WinAPI Sleep() function, callable from Maple.
In my opinion, the overall search and browse of the help is not bad - all things considered. I think that once any software becomes the size of Maple, the only way to really learn it is to devote a lot of time to it by working, poking around within the help, and of course following along in this forum and elsewhere on the web. Of course anything that can be done to improve it even further would be greatly appreciated.
Anyone who really wants to get a feel for what TeX is capable of should have a look at the following link.     samples
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