30 Reputation

3 Badges

3 years, 97 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by WD0HHU

I have done some more work on my Mars flyby trajectory Maple worksheet.  


Thank you again for your help on the piecewise function problem I was having.



@SUN ZHUOYU You can adjust the fonts on the axes using, for example, axesfont=[Helvetica,bold,18].  Also, again for example,the label's font using, for example, labelfont=[Helvetica,bold,24] inside your display command.



Take a look at this and see if it is what you expect.  Perhaps you can "eye-ball" the maximum value for a particular q and p.

plot(rhs(solution), t = 0 .. 600, view = [default, -600000 .. 0], size = [1200, 1200], gridlines = true, color = red, thickness = 5, background = "Azure", axesfont = [Helvetica, bold, 24])

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