
36 Reputation

2 Badges

15 years, 174 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by Walinhus

I forgot this...my decision variable is Production[i,j,t]...This matrix is the solution for the problem.


The idea that you tell me is like a Dynamic Programming?

If that is the idea, i´m sorry but i nedd to do this by NLP.

But, can you tell me how to write yor idea in Maple please, the vector of matrices.

Thanks again.


Doug...I'm trying to raise the constraints for a capacity production using NLP.

The idea is to make a model for productivity. The model have to give me PDCX and PDCY as answers.

Given Data:

V[i,t]: sales for product i for day t.

M[i]: minimum monthly production of product i.

SI[i]: initial stock of product i

PDX[i,j]: productivity of product j coming from producing product j on productive line X.

PDY[i,j]: productivity of product j coming from producing product j on productive line Y.

Decision Variables:

PDCX[i,j,t]: boolean. 1 if the product i is produced coming from product j the day t. 0 in another case. In production line X.

 PDCY[i,j,t]:boolean. 1 if the product i is produced coming from product j the day t. 0 in another case. In production line Y.

The problem have 24 days, 10 different products in line X and 8 different products in line Y.

Productivity is product to product. Is a matrix where the diagonal shows the maximum values.

I need to write with Maple PDCX and PDCY for making the constraints.

 Sorry for my english.I'm not american or english speaking.

Another question...

It is possible to read the data for the matrix from a text or an excel file.

Thanks again.

I want an  m by n by k Array...

I need this matrix for an objective function.

I need to multiply this matrix with another one that is bidimensional to generate constraints to my problem.


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