
Clemens Guehmann

35 Reputation

5 Badges

16 years, 203 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by WhiteNoise

You can save a Simulink model as a so-called functional mock-up (FMU). To do this, use in Simulink the menu item "Save Standalone FMU...". However, a constant step size for the integration algorithm must be set beforehand. Once the FMU has been created, it is possible to import an FMU in MapleSim. Attached you will find a simple dynamic system that was created in Simulink (version 2022), then saved as an FMU and imported with MapleSim 2023.



inserting ports into a Modelica Custom Component is absolutely not well-supported in MapleSim, in my opinion. I go the following way to use Modelica Custom Components in MapleSim. I create my Modelica Components with the ports in OpenModelica. This is relatively easy, as the editor in OpenModelica is also more user-friendly. OpenModelica is free and an independent simulation tool.
Then I copy the code into the MapleSim component "Modelica Custom Component". However, this has the disadvantage that the ports placed in the icon move. This can be corrected manually in the annotation. If the ports and the first version of your model are included correctly, the Modelica model can be tested, further developed and optimized. If you use OpenModelica, you have to consider that MapleSim does not support Modelica version 4.0.0. In the settings in OpenModelica, you should use version 3.2.3. The second possibility is to insert a custom component via the menu "Add Apps or Templates". Ports are then also generated via a Maple worksheet. However, Modelica cannot be coded directly. Overall, Modelica coding is unfortunately not well-supported. Good luck. 


I have used an adjustable voltage source and realised the parameters via an additional Modelica function.  However, the programme runs under MapleSim 2021. AdjPulse.msim

Hello Eric,

I have written a simple library for generating white noise: NoiseSimple.zip. In the subdirectory "SignalBlocks" you will find two blocks with which the generation of normally distributed and equally distributed noise is possible. The basis of the models comes from the standard Modelica library. I hope the use of the blocks is self-explanatory, and they also work.


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