
90 Reputation

3 Badges

2 years, 276 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by bstuan

Let the square matrix A satisfy A^2023 = 0.

a. Prove: I-A is invertible.

b. If B is invertible, is B - A invertible?

This is not a Maple problem but it has something to do with math, specifically linear algebra, and I need help. Sorry if I bothered you. If possible please help me!

Please help me solve the following problem about complex numbers with Maple: w= (3+zi)/(2+z) whose geometric representation in the "oxy" plane is a straight line. Calculate module of z. Thank you so much.

Could please help me solving the following problem?
Thank you a lot.

Could you help me solving this the problem with Maple, please? Thank you so much!

Please help me solve the following problem with Maple commands:
Determine the equation of the line d, knowing that d passes through the point A(1,-2,3) and intersects both lines d1:(x-1)/2=y/1=(z+3)/ -2 and d2:(x-1)/-1=y/1=(z-3)/2. Thank you very much!

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