
2022 Reputation

13 Badges

20 years, 126 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by eithne

The MapleSim Connectivity Toolbox is now available. With this toolbox, you can export MapleSim models to Simulink, including rotational, translational, and multibody mechanical systems, thermal models, and electric circuits. It creates Simulink S-Function blocks for fast execution within Simulink and real-time implementation through Real-Time Workshop.

For more information, see

Dr. Sarah J. Greenwald, Appalachian State University, and Dr. Andrew Nestler, Santa Monica College have put together a site about mathematics and The Simpsons,including an exhaustive list of all math references on the show, relevant images, and the math background of the writers. They use this material to introduce concepts, motivate students and reduce math anxiety, apparently. Aside from its potential educational value, it's fun. See Simpson's Math. eithne
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