emma hassan

45 Reputation

9 Badges

12 years, 44 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by emma hassan

hey friends
how can i have program for following matrix of m x m order in maple 


hello friends 
please can anyone can help me in removing error from this worksheet.

hey friends I am attaching my worksheet. In it am working on wavelet method now problem is in the end of worksheet am having output of  four column vector matrixes and i want all these column vector matrixes in A matrix of order n x n but problem is am not getting my desire matirx form. I want all the entires from all the vector column matrix to be wriiten in the matrix A in column wise.


hey firends please help me for the following matrix code in maple for m x m order and for m x 1 order

hey friends am stuck with some code. My code is correct and am trying to find exact solution but not able to see output. Please kindly check it and let me know exact_solution.mw

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