
I have a degree in Mathematics and Physics from the Danish University Aarhus, comparable to a masters degree with thesis - majoring in Mathematics. In 1991-92 I was a visting scholar at UCLA, Los Angeles, following graduate courses in Applied Mathematics. Since 1992 I have been a teacher in a high school (gymnasium) in Denmark. Special interests: Applied mathematics, graphics and popularizing Mathematics.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by erik10

Dear Maple users

I am working on importing data from an Excel-file "Data.xlsx" into Maple. This is done using the following commands:

> restart;
> with(ExcelTools);
> X := Import("Data.xlsx", 1, "A3:A63");

One strange behavior is the fact that I receive an error message: Error, (in ExcelTools:-Import) Could not open the file.

When I close the Maple file and open it again and reexecute, the error disappers and everything works....

Dear Maple Users

In Maple 16 I read in the menu Help > What's New that it is now possible to have 3D plots exported as vector graphics, when using EPS export. I tried it, but could not open the resulting EPS file. I used my CorelDRAW 15 Suite ... Can someone tell me how I get access to the exported vector graphics?

If I cannot get it into CorelDRAW, it is not for much use. Maybe an intermediate process?



Dear Maple users

I am having a problem with a simple for loop. I cannot seem to figure out what is wrong. I want to define a number of Random Variables of the ChiSquare kind, with increasing number of degrees of freedom as the figure below suggest. When defining them one line after another everything works well. My idea was then to make a for loop, since I might want many Random Variables defined. It doesn't work however in the way I do it. All...

Dear Maple users

I am experiencing a strange problem with my clipboard. I am using Ducument Mode and when I am trying to copy part of my document using Ctrl+C and place it in the same document using Ctrl+V, then sometimes things are not being copied properly as can be seen on my image below. It is as though the clipboard doesn't pick up the fomatting. When I restart my computer things works fine until a certain point when it stops working. I hope someone can...

Dear Maple users

The formula f = c/λ is expressing the frequency in terms of the velocity of light  c and the wavelength λ. Lets say given not just one wavelength, but a whole list af wavelengths. The values have units attached. I wonder if there is an elegant way to have Maple calculate the all the frequencies, eventually delivering them in a new list?

I want the units of the output reduced to SI-units,...

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