
I have a degree in Mathematics and Physics from the Danish University Aarhus, comparable to a masters degree with thesis - majoring in Mathematics. In 1991-92 I was a visting scholar at UCLA, Los Angeles, following graduate courses in Applied Mathematics. Since 1992 I have been a teacher in a high school (gymnasium) in Denmark. Special interests: Applied mathematics, graphics and popularizing Mathematics.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by erik10

Below I wanted Maple to calculate the 4. degree Taylorpolynomium of a function f around x = 7. As shown below, Maple delivers a polynomial, but not a function definition. In other words one cannot have the polynomial evaluated at a specific value. The reason for this is obvious: The value 3 of x is passed to the command, implying 3 = 7 is a parameter to the command: Therefore the error message. I solved the problem by using the unapply command, but this operation is a bit tedious. I think I remember there is another more simple operator to make the same happen in Maple. I hope someone can remind me of that one!





Dear Maple users

I was using the animation command to create an animation consisting of a running sine curve with a ball following the curve, as shown below. I wonder if it is possible to create it with the Explore command too? Or is this command more limited? I need to be able to add more animations, like I can with the display command ...

Regards, Erik.

Dear Maple users

I have done some experiments with the new Workbook feature in Maple 2016. It is a very welcome addition, indeed. Earlier I have created Maple files in which data from an external Excel file was imported and being used for certain calculations. In order to make recalculations work properly, one need to let the Excel file follow the Maple file. That's where a Workbook come in handy! I tried placing those two files in a Workbook. It didn't work completely as advertised, I think. I moved the Workbook to another location on the harddrive to make sure it wouldn't interfere with the original files outside the Workbook. Then I recalculated the Maple document inside the Workbook. The good thing: The data from the Excel file was still present. The bad thing: If I changed some data in the Excel file inside the Workbook, it didn't register in the Maple file when updating it!

Maybe I should explain that I did import data from the Excel file into Maple via the menu: Tools > Assistants > Import Data... The data was retrieved as a matrix within the Maple file and assigned to a variable and used for plots ...

Why doesn't the above procedure work properly? I hope one don't need to use the Workbook URI to reference files within the workbook. It is not that userfriendly!




Dear Maple users

I wanted to use the zip-command to muliply two lists with units. It works without units, but not with units:



If I add units to each entrance it works too, but not very convenient. How is it done with units in the best way?




Dear Maple users

In order to solve a problem in Biology, I have come across four equations with three unknowns, making it overdetermined. The equation system does not have any specific solutions, but since the equations can be considered containing errors, I am looking after the best possible solution - which will minimize the coefficients in the original equation system. My question is twofold:

1. Does there exist a specific Mathematical Theory to handle non-linear equation systems of this type?

2. Which command in Maple can solve it?






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