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19 years, 14 days

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These are replies submitted by fbackelj

Indeed, changing the order of evalf and Re helps, but the issue still is that Re of whatever should never (hehe) result in a complex number (when evaluated afterwards with evalf)! I will investigate this a bit further...
I didn't look at it like this... Indeed, this does explains what went wrong... thanks! Final question: do you have another example of such a LNED problem?
The issue has to do with Re - it should always give back a real number! In this example however, Re returns a complex number : > evalf(Re(Psi(2,2+2*I))); 0.03902435405 + 0.1565674760 I -- Regards, Franky.
The issue has to do with Re - it should always give back a real number! In this example however, Re returns a complex number : > evalf(Re(Psi(2,2+2*I))); 0.03902435405 + 0.1565674760 I -- Regards, Franky.
Thanks very much for considering it - it would be a great addition to this already wonderful website. Thanks! Now, adding this should not be a lot of work, as it suffices to have a separate print stylesheet in which there appears a "display: none;" for every item that you do not want to see in the print output. The system I think you are using (Drupal?), has a separate page for this. -- Regards, Franky.
I do have a working web connection (how else would I be writing these emails), but indeed maybe our I(C)T department has setup its firewalls to strictly. Are there any ports specifically that should be open to allow the update to proceed? Thanks, Franky. Edit: in another post which is being referred in this topic thread, it is said that port 8000 is used for the connection to updates.maplesoft.com - I'll check it out this afternoon.
If I try to use the "Check fo Updates" item from the "Tools" menu, it says that there are currently no updates available. This happens under Linux as well as under Mac OS X. Once downloaded manually, the updates install without any problem.
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