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These are answers submitted by fnicolo

you can use 1-D Mechanical -> Motion Drivers -> Move actuator to do that.

An exemple in which a 6dof mechanisme is actuate with only rotation values.


the bloc VandNull sets velocity and acceleration to zero.

is that what you want ?


for my problem, it works, see this post :


no more need to uninstall the last version of NVIDIA driver, just do that :

open a command dos (cmd) and go to Maple's jre/bin installation directory (like C:\Program Files\Maple 2016\jre\bin)

lanch the command : jabswitch.exe /enable

try it.


this problem seems to be the same than i have. you can try to do that :

open a command dos (cmd) and go to Maple's jre/bin installation directory (like C:\Program Files\Maple 2016\jre\bin)

lanch the command : jabswitch.exe /enable

An try to launch Maple and/or MapleSim again.

Good luck !

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