
142 Reputation

6 Badges

17 years, 29 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by fredbel6



I have a problem in maple with conversion to the binary writing system.  I would like to convert integers into a binary string of fixed length.


So 7 should become [0,0,0,1,1,1] while 22 should become [0,1,0,1,1,0].

Is that possible? (it would save me quite some time).  I know there are methods to do binary conversion in maple but it's not really what I want.


Many thanks!



this problem has been bugging me for months. I am defining functions with "if" in their definition.  These functions seem to be well defined, without any problem. Then I do sum and something goes wrong.  I have tried to isolate the problem to give you an example:




this is probably a silly problem but I really didn't find any command for it.

Suppose I have a matrix and I want to remove some rows and columns to consider a smaller matrix within it. Is there a nice way to do it?  This is what I came up with:



A := Matrix(3, 3, [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]);


temp := <(Column(A, 2)| Column(A, 3))>; result := <Row(temp, 2), Row(temp, 3))>;


Surely there is a better way to do this?



this problem has been bugging me for quite some time now, and I have seen other people struggling with it as well.

When I work in Maple 11 and I want to insert a new section, he jumps all the way to the bottom and puts the new empty section there, where I don't want it to be.

I've also had similar things when I press the "T" to insert Text.


How can I solve this? Many thanks!



I have another question. I would like to construct a code, demonstrating the loss of information when sending codewords.  Usually, one assumes that each entry of the codeword has a chance equal to p  (like p=0.17) of being incorrectly sent.  How can I have such a random element in my code?  


Thank you,


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