
541 Reputation

4 Badges

16 years, 90 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by gepo

It runs amazingly fast. Thanks a lot.
It runs amazingly fast. Thanks a lot.
It did work well. Thanks
It did work well. Thanks
I found a tricky problem when using your method: f := a00*x^123+a45*x^233+a02*x^123+a67*x^156+a47*x^67; C := [coeffs(f,x,'M')]: # coefficients M := [M]: # monomials I got what "M" is: [x^233, x^67, x^123, x^156] which is not sorted from low degree to high degree. As a result, the corresponding coefficients are not sorted. I am wondering whether there is a way to fix it. Thanks a lot. Gepo
I found a tricky problem when using your method: f := a00*x^123+a45*x^233+a02*x^123+a67*x^156+a47*x^67; C := [coeffs(f,x,'M')]: # coefficients M := [M]: # monomials I got what "M" is: [x^233, x^67, x^123, x^156] which is not sorted from low degree to high degree. As a result, the corresponding coefficients are not sorted. I am wondering whether there is a way to fix it. Thanks a lot. Gepo
I run a large problem over Maple12 and Singular. The problem is a modulo 2 computation. The result is Maple takes 9 seconds to finish it while Singular is still running over one hour. I did not evaluate Magma, because I cannot find a trial version or free version.
I did run some experiments using Singular which was much slower than Maple for large problems. How about Magma?
Pagan's statement is correct. I did not express my question clearly. What I want is polynomials only containing all subsets of the set of given variables (including the whole set itself, but without empty subset). So, take your example, > L:=[a+b+c,x+ab+d^3,y+c,a+b,a+b+c*d]; 3 L := [a + b + c, x + ab + d , y + c, a + b, a + b + c d] > select(f->indets(f)={a,b,c}, L); ---------------------------------->not. not including ALL subsets. [a + b + c] > select(f->(indets(f) minus {a,b,c})={}, L);---------------------->is what I want. [a + b + c, a + b] > select(f->({a,b,c} minus indets(f))={}, L);----------------------->not, because "d" is included. [a + b + c, a + b + c d] Thanks so much. Gepo
thanks, both methods work. But I think the first method is more flexible, because I can increase or decrease any number variables. select(f->indets(f)={a,b,c}, L);
For Robert's reply, I did get why "cnt" makes the order of entries of list "essentially random".
For Robert's reply, I did get why "cnt" makes the order of entries of list "essentially random".
Mohsen's method works. I have no idea why I put that extra line:) thanks a lot. Gepo
Mohsen's method works. I have no idea why I put that extra line:) thanks a lot. Gepo
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