
25 Reputation

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7 years, 289 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by gtbastos

@dharr thank you for your time. Indeed, I would like to test such routine for 3x3 matrices over finite field 5^9, both are nonsingular.


@Carl Love 

After those rank 3 and rank 4 matrices over GF(2), the next step of the my computations is to obtain the respective rowspaces of each matrix over GF(2). Is it possible ? 

Once more,  thank you so much.

@Carl Love 

Second option !



Is it possible to adapt that code to GF(3) ?


Thank you.

Hey @Kitonum , thank you so much for your comment!

@Carl Love 

I´d like to consider those matrices (and the rank) over GF(2).


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