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These are replies submitted by gulliet

Note that it is possible (probable!) that I misuse assuming in the code below, but assuming does not seems to do anything, wheras assume allows int ot return the correct result.

So the question is, "I have used or understood incorrectly the command assuming, or there is something deeper going on in this case?"

Note that the last result, having used assume, is in agreement with what is returned by another CAS:


> Maple Equation

Maple Equation

> Maple Equation

Maple Equation

> Maple Equation

Maple Equation

> Maple Equation

Maple Equation

> Maple Equation

Maple Equation

> Maple Equation

> Maple Equation

> Maple Equation

> Maple Equation

> Maple Equation

Maple Equation

> Maple Equation

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Note that it is possible (probable!) that I misuse assuming in the code below, but assuming does not seems to do anything, wheras assume allows int ot return the correct result.

So the question is, "I have used or understood incorrectly the command assuming, or there is something deeper going on in this case?"

Note that the last result, having used assume, is in agreement with what is returned by another CAS:


> Maple Equation

Maple Equation

> Maple Equation

Maple Equation

> Maple Equation

Maple Equation

> Maple Equation

Maple Equation

> Maple Equation

Maple Equation

> Maple Equation

> Maple Equation

> Maple Equation

> Maple Equation

> Maple Equation

Maple Equation

> Maple Equation

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If your interrest is in programming, it might be worth looking at the Maple programming guides available at the Maplesoft Documentation Center. There you will find the
  • Maple 11 Introductory Programming Guide
  • Maple 11 Advanced Programming Guide
as ebooks (pdf document). They can be freely downloaded. Check Regards, -- Jean-Marc
May be it's just me, but I have some difficulties reading this post. You should post the worksheet on MaplePrimes. To do so you can use the file manager accessible via the menu navigation (top-left of the screen, "myfiles") or the link "Upload/Use File or Worksheet | Help" located above the box "comment" below the the field "subject" (in the form where you post or edit a message). Then you can add a link to the worksheet in your message or even display the worksheet in it. Regards, -- Jean-Marc
I tried to see the worksheet (using the link "see ... on MapleNet" and get the following error:
Maple Worksheet - Error Failed to load the worksheet /maplenet/worksheet/mapleprimes/ .
The download link seems to be fine, however. Regards, -- Jean-Marc
Robert, Thank you for the clarification about what is optional, yet still useful to have in a for loop. I have rewritten my code according to your directions (and also done some experiments with the command line interface).
    |\^/|     Maple 11 (IBM INTEL NT)
._|\|   |/|_. Copyright (c) Maplesoft, a division of Waterloo Maple Inc. 2007
 \  MAPLE  /  All rights reserved. Maple is a trademark of
 <____ ____>  Waterloo Maple Inc.
      |       Type ? for help.
> r[0] := 3;
                                   r[0] := 3

> r[1] := 4;
                                   r[1] := 4

> for i from 1 while r[i-1] <= 300 do r[i+1] := 2*r[i-1]+3*r[i] end do;
                                  r[2] := 18

                                  r[3] := 62

                                  r[4] := 222

                                  r[5] := 790

                                 r[6] := 2814
Best regards, -- Jean-Marc
Robert, Thank you for the clarification about what is optional, yet still useful to have in a for loop. I have rewritten my code according to your directions (and also done some experiments with the command line interface).
    |\^/|     Maple 11 (IBM INTEL NT)
._|\|   |/|_. Copyright (c) Maplesoft, a division of Waterloo Maple Inc. 2007
 \  MAPLE  /  All rights reserved. Maple is a trademark of
 <____ ____>  Waterloo Maple Inc.
      |       Type ? for help.
> r[0] := 3;
                                   r[0] := 3

> r[1] := 4;
                                   r[1] := 4

> for i from 1 while r[i-1] <= 300 do r[i+1] := 2*r[i-1]+3*r[i] end do;
                                  r[2] := 18

                                  r[3] := 62

                                  r[4] := 222

                                  r[5] := 790

                                 r[6] := 2814
Best regards, -- Jean-Marc
The definition of h(x) is missing or incomplete or have been truncated in some way. Regards, -- Jean-Marc
The definition of h(x) is missing or incomplete or have been truncated in some way. Regards, -- Jean-Marc
Just a correction to the link to the paper "Some Geometric Aspects of Graphs and their Eigenfunctions" posted by Robert. The correct URL is Regards, -- Jean-Marc
The field "Click here to read more on our site" at the bottom of the email sent by MaplePrimes sometimes contains a wrong link. I mean, when I click on it, I do not reach the corresponding web page where the article is located but I reach the page to forward a page to someone. For instance, Doug just sent me an email to an article: I did not get any "preview" besides what he wrote and when I clicked on the link "Click here to read more on our site", I did not reach the corresponding page but the default page to send an email. Hope this is clear enough! -- Jean-Marc
Doug, I have sent the email address I use most of the time. Usually, I access gmail from within Firefox for Windows. Regards, -- Jean-Marc
Doug, I may not have fully understood what you tried, but I have just used the "email this forum" link to send a copy of your post to myself. The body of the message contains the usual text from MaplePrimes as well as my personalized message :-) and a copy of the test of your post. -------- message body starts here -------- gulliet thought you would like to see this page from MaplePrimes Message from Sender: This is a test. e-mail post within MaplePrimes by Doug Meade I have been unable to send a MaplePrimes post by e-mail. I click the e-mail link, enter an e-mail address (my own, for testing), confirm that there is a link to be sent, enter something in the message body, and press Send Message. A message arrives in my inbox, but it does not contain the post I was trying to send. Here is the text version of the body of the e-mail message I received from MaplePrimes: MaplePrimes Doug Meade thought you would like to see this page from MaplePrimes Message from Sender: Interesting. n/a Click here to read more on our site I have confirmed that this is repeatable (at least twice in the past day). Click here to read more on our site ------ message body ends here ----- Regards, -- Jean-Marc

The expression you have defines an implicit function (i.e., roughly speaking, where the variables x and y are on the same side of the equation and cannot be separated easily in the form y = f(x)). So what you need is the plotting function called implicitplot. Here is an example that combines several expressions to be drawn in one plotting command by using lists (square brackets) for the expressions and some of the options to change, say the color of each circles. with(plots, implicitplot); implicitplot([x^2+y^2 = 4, x^2+y^2 = 2], x = -4 .. 4, y = -4 .. 4, color = [orange, blue]);

 Regards, -- Jean-Marc

The expression you have defines an implicit function (i.e., roughly speaking, where the variables x and y are on the same side of the equation and cannot be separated easily in the form y = f(x)). So what you need is the plotting function called implicitplot. Here is an example that combines several expressions to be drawn in one plotting command by using lists (square brackets) for the expressions and some of the options to change, say the color of each circles. with(plots, implicitplot); implicitplot([x^2+y^2 = 4, x^2+y^2 = 2], x = -4 .. 4, y = -4 .. 4, color = [orange, blue]); Regards, -- Jean-Marc
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