
65 Reputation

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2 years, 192 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by justauser


Thank you for your solution.


Just what I wanted, thank you.


excellent explanation and work, vote up from me.


thank you for the files, very interesting.



Saw code for modeq in your 1997 paper. Is code available for download, does it work for recent maple.

Thank you.

maybe use sed to change , to . before input like

sed -e "s/,/./g" inputfile > outputfile

then read outfile in maple


in this case use the read command inside maple, see help


windows doesn't know that this is a maple input file and gets confused. you must run maple as I described with the name of the input file you want to process. 

@Brian P Hanley 

Not sure but the matrix should be gone after M:=evaln(M) if I understand evaln correctly. 

Could also try


Help system on unassign gives matrix as example.

@The function 

I answered the question you gave and believe thats the answer the book wanted, @vv and @Carl Love can debate the problem with different values of the matrix A.


Yes Im looking at inverse problem and jets has a simple command for this (lagrangian) and automatically checks Helmholtz conditions and gives error if they are not satisfied as expected. I just cant work out the syntax of the command. Since this is what I must study I will continue to try different syntax till it works.

Thank you.


Thank you for comments. I loked at CalculusOfVariations, it works our E-L equation like variation command in jets. It doesn't do inverse problem like lagrangian command in  jets.

JetCalculus package also does E-L equation but not inverse problem.

I think this is a correct summary.

@Rouben Rostamian  


Thank you, thats great.


Thank you for the comment. I will rethink this.

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