
170 Reputation

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8 years, 18 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by kambiz1199


thanks for answer it help me alot

@Christian Wolinski 

wow thank you . but it's a little  difficult for me i try to know it


thank for nice answer 

my orginal diffrential equation is nunlinear so i have to solve that with numeric


thank you very much


thank you soo mach


@Christian Wolinski 

thanks for answer . 
yes my system have 7 cores.

i write any numbers. this shows 4 

see this pic

@Carl Love 

thank you

@Carl Love 

wow that interesting thank you 



yes thats right but this code show only one plot . i want to show step by step (and show previous too)

@Rouben Rostamian  

thaaank you sooo much

@Rouben Rostamian  

thaaaaank you 

@Rouben Rostamian  

hi thank you but this i want to take differential from N matrix this approach just show the diff

see this pic

be assume N1,N2, N3 , ... is equal to


wwwwow  thaaaaaaaanks 

@ThU thaaaaaaaaaaaaank youuuuuuuu

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