
15 Reputation

2 Badges

9 years, 344 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by kegj


I need to prepare for a final exam for a introdutory computer science course in Maple.
My professor gives us mutliple choice questions, short answer questions and wiritng some codes.

what is the most efficient way to study for my final exam? or how should i study for an computer science exam. I am not really use to preparing for such a course. 

Are there any websites that i can practice multiple choice questions?

I would appreciate any advice.


Thank you very much.


when i type a code to display an image of a function, maple just outputs my code in blue...what is that mean?


thank you

Hello Everyone,


I would like  to write a code to calculate the riemann sum approximation of the curve sin(sqrt(x^2+y^2)+1 

calculate the actual volume using integration

use the ranges x=[-2pi to 2pi]=y, and 20 subdivisions.

also display the curve and the parallelepiped approximations on the same plot.

 my code give me  an error..please someone can advise me which part of my code is not correct..

Thanks very much in advance!

> g := proc (x, y) options operator, arrow; sin(sqrt(x^2+y^2))+1 end proc;

 Z := g(x, y);


 X := Array(0 .. n); Y := Array(0 .. n); Z := Array(0 .. n);


c := -2*Pi; d := 2*Pi;

a := -2*Pi; b := 2*Pi;

n := 15;

s := 0;

X[0] := a; Y[0] := c; Z := g[X[0], Y[0]]; s := 0;

dX := (b-a)/N;dY := (d-c)/N;

    for i from 0 to N do      for j from o to N do     s:=s+Z[i]*dX*dY     X[i]:=X[i-1]+dX: Y[i]:=Y[i-1]+dY: Z[i]:=g([Xi],[Yi])  end do;

This the error message i am getting (Error, unterminated loop)










 I need help writing a maple code to calculate the normal to the curve X^2-2X at x=1.5

and also display the curve, the tangent, and the normal on the same plot in the range x=[-10,10].

I manage to answer the question, but i am not quite certain if i have written a proper code..please if someone can review my solution and advise me i would really appreciate it....

I also would like to also make visisble the point of tangency at x=1.5 and give description of the figure but i am not sure how to do so...


how can i cut and paste the exact code with the seesm that it doesnt allow me to do direct cut and paste so i changed it to 1-D and paste it into this page..

Thank you for your help.. 









    f := proc (x) options operator, arrow; x^2-2*x end proc;



 #Then, the slope of the line tangent to the graph of f(x) at the point with x-coordinate, x=1.5 is,


    D(f)*at*x = 1.5; 



#The y-coordinate of the point is 


  f(x)*at*x = 1.5;




   showtangent(f(x), x = 1.5, color = [black, purple]);

   plot([f(x), (D(f))(1.5)*(x-1.5)+f(1.5)], x = -10 .. 10, y = -10 .. 10, color = [black, purple]);



  plot([x^2-2*x, x-1.5-.75, -x+.75], x = -10 .. 10, y = -10 .. 10, color = [black, purple, pink]);







hello everyone..


I need help to write a code to calculate the riemann sum approximation of the curve cos(sqrt(x^2+y^2)+1 

calculate the actual volume using integration

use the ranges x=[-2pi to 2pi]=y, and 20 subdivisions.

also display the curve and the parallelepiped approximations on the same plot.


Thank you for your help!

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