
25 Reputation

5 Badges

11 years, 41 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by lijiwei

I would like to calcuate the residue of the following expression that I call res

>res:= subs([S1 = C3-sqrt(C3^2+4*C1*s), S2 = C3+sqrt(C3^2+4*C1*s)], exp(s*t)*(S1*(sinh((1/2)*S1)-cosh((1/2)*S1))*(sinh((1/2)*S2*eta)-cosh((1/2)*S2*eta))-S2*(sinh((1/2)*S2)-cosh((1/2)*S2))*(sinh((1/2)*S1*eta)-cosh((1/2...

I would like to integrate the following expression that I call res

>res:= subs([S1 = C3-sqrt(C3^2+4*C1*s), S2 = C3+sqrt(C3^2+4*C1*s)], exp(s*t)*(S1*(sinh((1/2)*S1)-cosh((1/2)*S1))*(sinh((1/2)*S2*eta)-cosh((1/2)*S2*eta))-S2*(sinh((1/2)*S2)-cosh((1/2)*S2))*(sinh((1/2...

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