loup blanc

50 Reputation

4 Badges

18 years, 117 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by loup blanc

@Markiyan Hirnyk i consider iid entries, "i" for independent (I explicitly wrote that), "id" for identically distributed with respect to N(a,b) (I explicitly wrote that). What other interpretation is possible?

@acer yes the idea is "sample(X,M)"; awesome !

@Kitonum thanks for this simple command.

@Kitonum It's only a toy example. For instance, change   z[1,1]:=1:  with   z[k,k]:=k:  When k=2, I want that the (1,1) entry is z[1,1] and not 1.

I use Maple10 for Prof. under the operating system XP Pro.
I use Maple10 for Prof. under the operating system XP Pro.
Bergman works well/ Thank you very much/ Unfortunately the Grobner basis is very complicated . For me the variables are matrices; can any software partially solve an algebraic system where the unknowns are matrices?
Bergman works well/ Thank you very much/ Unfortunately the Grobner basis is very complicated . For me the variables are matrices; can any software partially solve an algebraic system where the unknowns are matrices?
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