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12 years, 335 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by mah00

Thank you for your answer.

It works even if I don't understand why do I need an evalc since I am asking for the real part and the imaginary part (so it is a real number).


Now, I don't get the arrows. Is it normal even if it is declared in the plot function?

Thank you for your answer.

It works even if I don't understand why do I need an evalc since I am asking for the real part and the imaginary part (so it is a real number).


Now, I don't get the arrows. Is it normal even if it is declared in the plot function?

There is a multipication sign missing in f1 and g1, here is the corrected code:

restart;with(DEtools), with(plots), with(linalg):





F := DEplot(sys1, [x(t), y(t)], t = -20 .. 10, x = -2 .. 2, y = -2 .. 2, [[x(0) =0, y(0) = 0]],linecolor = blue, thickness = 2, stepsize = .1, arrows = medium, color = red);

 Now there is a solution but also another error:

Warning, plot may be incomplete, the following errors(s) were issued:   solution becomes complex valued
Any advice on how can I solve that?

Thank you very much, it is exactly what I needed.


Is it possible to draw the flow vectors in all the plane as well? I can do it only on the trajectory itself but not for other points.

Thank you very much, it is exactly what I needed.


Is it possible to draw the flow vectors in all the plane as well? I can do it only on the trajectory itself but not for other points.

Thank you very much for all these details.

What do you mean by numerical noise?

All what I have is wiener processes that I defined with the function WienerProcess. Is that what you consider numerical?

Thank you very much for all these details.

What do you mean by numerical noise?

All what I have is wiener processes that I defined with the function WienerProcess. Is that what you consider numerical?

so do you mean that if I ask for U(1.001) he can't do it? 

so do you mean that if I ask for U(1.001) he can't do it? 

:D Just realised that I wrote that 0.001 is integer.

But anyway, It doesn't have to be an integer in my application.

:D Just realised that I wrote that 0.001 is integer.

But anyway, It doesn't have to be an integer in my application.

Yes d is an integer (0.001 for me).

As I explained in the beginning, it is part of a filtering algorithm. I have a stochastic noisy system and I want to find some probability density.

Wikipedia explains it better than me :

So if I want to evaluate this integral, will the Upper case and the quotation cause problems?

Yes d is an integer (0.001 for me).

As I explained in the beginning, it is part of a filtering algorithm. I have a stochastic noisy system and I want to find some probability density.

Wikipedia explains it better than me :

So if I want to evaluate this integral, will the Upper case and the quotation cause problems?

d is say the Δt (the time step)

mu is the expected value of U(k) given U(k-d):

> if k=0 then
> Vector[column]([[X(0)[1]],[X(0)[2]],[X(0)[3]],[X(0)[4]],[H(1,1,0)],[H(2,1,0)],[H(1,2,0)],[H(2,2,0)],[H(1,3,0)],[H(2,3,0)],[H(1,4,0)],[H(2,4,0)]]);
> else
> U(k-d)+d*D1(k-d).U(k-d);
> fi;
> end proc:
Then, "integrate p1(k)*p0(k-1) over IR^12, where the variables are w1 ... w12" that is exactly what I want.
Could you explain what the uppercase and the quotation mark stand for?
Thank you for your answer.

d is say the Δt (the time step)

mu is the expected value of U(k) given U(k-d):

> if k=0 then
> Vector[column]([[X(0)[1]],[X(0)[2]],[X(0)[3]],[X(0)[4]],[H(1,1,0)],[H(2,1,0)],[H(1,2,0)],[H(2,2,0)],[H(1,3,0)],[H(2,3,0)],[H(1,4,0)],[H(2,4,0)]]);
> else
> U(k-d)+d*D1(k-d).U(k-d);
> fi;
> end proc:
Then, "integrate p1(k)*p0(k-1) over IR^12, where the variables are w1 ... w12" that is exactly what I want.
Could you explain what the uppercase and the quotation mark stand for?
Thank you for your answer.
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