
22 Reputation

5 Badges

14 years, 316 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by maple

i want to print the value of y for each curve in figure.

i try to use "textplot" but it is hard to control the place of the y for each curves .

when i print the value of y , it is easy to determent  which curves has value y.


i want to print the value of y for each curve in figure.

i try to use "textplot" but it is hard to control the place of the y for each curves .

when i print the value of y , it is easy to determent  which curves has value y.



i think, you didnot understand my equastion.

i want to print the value of y correspond for each curves.

thus, in display, you can  know  the value of y for each line.

i try to use "textplot", but it is hard to used in loop and hard to determent the place of "y". this is because for each curve , there is new place for "y"


i think, you didnot understand my equastion.

i want to print the value of y correspond for each curves.

thus, in display, you can  know  the value of y for each line.

i try to use "textplot", but it is hard to used in loop and hard to determent the place of "y". this is because for each curve , there is new place for "y"

i have a same problem , could you please help to solve this problem?

i have a same problem , could you please help to solve this problem?

many thinks for helping me


many thanks for helping me.


many thanks for helping me.


i use fsolve to find appraxmaite solution. there are some parameter in my equastion wher i do loop in this pramater form 0.. 1000,000,00

i have other problem with "fsolve and digits". when Digits =12;  i cannot find  approx solution using "fsolve"

when i decrease or increase  the digit "Digits:=11 , Digits:=13",  i find the  approx solution using "fsolve".

i donot know what is wrong!!!

can you help me to solve the problem?



i use fsolve to find appraxmaite solution. there are some parameter in my equastion whrer i do loop in this pramater form 0.. 1000,000,00

for example

i have the follow equastion:



i solve the system of equastion where alpha is the paramater has value 0.. 1000,000,00.

i do loop in alpha =0..1000,000,00

thus, when alpha reach 1000,000,00, the  the maple pragram is shutdown.

please how to solve this problem?



thank you for respond

it is not worked yet. this is because i want the minimum value for x and the value of y and z that corrsponing to the minimum value of x.

in my problem, y =0.9 make big difference than y=0.99.


thank you for respond

it is not worked yet. this is because i want the minimum value for x and the value of y and z that corrsponing to the minimum value of x.

in my problem, y =0.9 make big difference than y=0.99.


thank you for help

my equastion is

q:=(x,y,z)-> -5 + ((x*y*z/z+1-x)+ sqrt( (x*(x+2*z^2-2*y)/x+3*z-1))/ (4*x*z^2-y));

where y=0..1 and z=0..1.

Optimization[Minimize](x, {q(x,y,z)=0});

i try to use this code but did not work. i aslo try to min my function for x  by

Minimize(q,x,y,z). also it did not work.

thus, can you help me please ?







thank you for help

my equastion is

q:=(x,y,z)-> -5 + ((x*y*z/z+1-x)+ sqrt( (x*(x+2*z^2-2*y)/x+3*z-1))/ (4*x*z^2-y));

where y=0..1 and z=0..1.

Optimization[Minimize](x, {q(x,y,z)=0});

i try to use this code but did not work. i aslo try to min my function for x  by

Minimize(q,x,y,z). also it did not work.

thus, can you help me please ?






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