
100 Reputation

5 Badges

12 years, 8 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by maplelearner

@Carl Love 

Hi Carl,

Thanks for your prompt response.

I am not able to understand the sentence "For example, you can set it to 0 and solve it, getting three simple solutions with no RootOfs."

How to achieve this.  I have use eval(%, _Z =0).  The output of this command is still having the RootOf.


Could you please enlighten me.



@Carl Love 

Hi Carl,

Thanks for your prompt response.

I am not able to understand the sentence "For example, you can set it to 0 and solve it, getting three simple solutions with no RootOfs."

How to achieve this.  I have use eval(%, _Z =0).  The output of this command is still having the RootOf.


Could you please enlighten me.



@Carl Love 


Hi Carlo,

Please see the attached file for the problem.


Thanks for your inputs.



@Carl Love 


Hi Carlo,

Please see the attached file for the problem.


Thanks for your inputs.



Hi Carl,


thanks for your reply. I realized that the title might be miseading. Sorry. Please let me re-define the problem.

My function has 3 variables (a,b and c) and some constants.

After some re arranging, , the equation takes the form  a = f(b,c).

My goal is to find da/db =0 and solve for b ( which is nothing but finding the extremum) and substituting value of b in f(a,b) to get the function f to be a sole function of  variable c. This is to get the relation between  variables a and c.

However, while solving for variable b, i am encountering the RootOf( _Z,.....).

From my reading  RootOf means the equation might br tranwcandel equation.

Hence i presume only a numerical solution exists. Please correct me if i am wrong.

Thanks for taking time in responding.

Hi Carl,


thanks for your reply. I realized that the title might be miseading. Sorry. Please let me re-define the problem.

My function has 3 variables (a,b and c) and some constants.

After some re arranging, , the equation takes the form  a = f(b,c).

My goal is to find da/db =0 and solve for b ( which is nothing but finding the extremum) and substituting value of b in f(a,b) to get the function f to be a sole function of  variable c. This is to get the relation between  variables a and c.

However, while solving for variable b, i am encountering the RootOf( _Z,.....).

From my reading  RootOf means the equation might br tranwcandel equation.

Hence i presume only a numerical solution exists. Please correct me if i am wrong.

Thanks for taking time in responding.

Hi Jakubi,


Thanks for your inputs. I will look into that aspects.


Cheers !

Hi Jakubi,


Thanks for your inputs. I will look into that aspects.


Cheers !

Dear Markiyan


Thanks alot. 


Dear Markiyan


Thanks alot. 


Dear Carl Love,


Thanks for your time in replying an explanation with good insights.



Dear Carl Love,


Thanks for your time in replying an explanation with good insights.



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