
10 Reputation

2 Badges

9 years, 270 days

I am from Turkey. I study Mathematics-Computer.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by mehmetgurturk

Hello. I have a question. If you can help me, i am pleasure.

Have nice day. :)


soru := proc(n,x)
local top::0;
for x from 2 to n do
top =top+(((x^(2+i))*top)^(1/(n+2-i)));
end proc;



Error, (in soru) illegal use of a formal parameter

Hello. I have a question. If you can help me, i am pleasure.

Have nice day. :)


Question: Enter a number after maple find(understand) to prime number or normal number.


> asal := proc(n)
> local m;
> if n<2 then
> m := s=n/2+1;
> print(m);
> else
> for i from 2 to n do
> if irem(n,i,0) then
> print("asal değil");
> if i = m then
> print("asaldir");
> end do;
> end if;
> end if;
> end proc;


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