
36 Reputation

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17 years, 270 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by mikerada6

OK i understand that but how do i tell the seq what numbers to pass to that something else?
here is a working example of what i want in 2-D with(plots): > with(plottools): > with(VectorCalculus): > > x1:=t->cos(t); > x2:=t->2*sin(t); > y1:=t->sin(t); > y2:=t->2*cos(t); > z1:=t->t; > z2:=t->t; > P1:=plot([x1(t), y1(t), t=-10*Pi..10*Pi],color=red): > P2:=plot([x2(t), y2(t), t=-10*Pi..10*Pi],color=blue): > P3:=display(P1,[seq(pointplot({[x1(k/50),y1(k/50)],[x2(k/50), y2(k/50)]}), k=0..314)],insequence=true): > display(P1,P2,P3);
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