
32 Reputation

4 Badges

19 years, 21 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by mwindham

Your post was what was needed. The difference I wanted was to be able to group by n. Thanks.
Your post was what was needed. The difference I wanted was to be able to group by n. Thanks.
Thanks for the explanation; it was what I needed. The only minor problem with it was it would be nice to have a way to tell the difference in the solutions by n; when I ran your expression, I saw the solutions, two for each even n and one for each odd.
Thanks for the explanation; it was what I needed. The only minor problem with it was it would be nice to have a way to tell the difference in the solutions by n; when I ran your expression, I saw the solutions, two for each even n and one for each odd.
Thanks for assign usage.
I think I may have found one way to get what I was trying to do: > theList[1]; b = 9. > theOtherList := op(theList[1]); b, 9. > xx := sqrt(theOtherList[2]); 3.000000000
theList[0] gets me b=9 and the List[1] is c=10. What I had wanted to do was get the 9 or the 10 to take the square root of. Thanks for showing how to isolate solution result expressions.
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