
145 Reputation

7 Badges

8 years, 287 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by panke

I have 2   equations that must be zero, and 2 ODE's for phi and theta

Vector(2, {(1) = `ϕ`(tau)-1.5*sin(`ϑ`(tau)), (2) = -`ϕ`(tau)^2+1.5*cos(`ϑ`(tau))})

how can i implement this quations with event statment .  this dose't work


event1 := [[`and`(gln[1], gln[2]), halt]]

I want to catch the trigger time t[i]

I want to contnue the simulation from the point (time) that the event accure 

how can I do it ?


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