
145 Reputation

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8 years, 358 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by panke

Thank you it work


to solve the differentail equation you must define the function V(phi)

@Thomas Richard 

My license is very old Maple 13 2009. as I wrote it work perfectly for me ,unter Window 10, but not unter Window 11. do you have some ideas why especially for a 3D apllication Maple crashes?

thank you 

@Carl Love 

you are taking about syntax problem I am taking about crash problem !!

 > restart;
> plot3d(sin(2*x)*cos(2*y), x = 0 .. 2*Pi, y = 0 .. 2*Pi);

This program for example crashed unter Window 11 ???


 I get also a crash if I use the maple help window  , by scrolling the information 

for example


or curvespace ...

I just run the maple code that was o.k unter Window 10, and get a crash, it is not new application, it is the old one .


o.k. I see thank you ,but how can i extend the path so maple can find my own library  ?


after i solve the equation i get this "latex" output, you can see that \it Omega 

1/2\,{\frac {{\it vx0}\,\sin \left( 2\,{\it Omega}\,\tau \right) +\cos
 \left( \lambda \right) g\tau}{{\it Omega}}}-1/4\,{\frac {\cos \left( 
\lambda \right) g\sin \left( 2\,{\it Omega}\,\tau \right) }{{{\it 



thank you this work


o.k thank you 


Thank you very much for your help

@Carl Love 


thank you


I found the error. 

for j to 16 do
pout := cat("C:/Users/Eli/Documents/Animation/", "file", j, ".bmp");
plotsetup(bmp, plotoutput = pout);
display(p4, p5, p6, p1, p2, p3, gg[j]);
fclose(pout) :

od; this work
od: this dose't work ?


Still dose't work ?

Waht I want to do , is  for each frame (gg[j])  produce a file .

for j to 16 do
pout := cat("C:/Users/Eli/Documents/Animation/", "file", j, ".bmp");
plotsetup(bmp, plotoutput = pout);
display(p4, p5, p6, p1, p2, p3, gg[j]);
fclose(pout) :




thank you this I can use I hope that the new Maple version, it is easy 

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