
28 Reputation

2 Badges

19 years, 314 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by pr

In order to generate a 2x2-matrix in the question text I use
$display_matrix =maple("printf(MathML:-ExportPresentation(<<($a),($c)>|<($c),($b)>>))");
where $a, $b, $c are random numbers (see below for full question source).

In MapleTA 2.0.1 the question operates correctly. I quote here an exemplatory call to Maple taken from the console:

jvm 1 | To Maple --> printf(MathML:-ExportPresentation(<<(-4),(6^(1/2))>|<(

However, instead of depicting the corresponding matrix, MapleTA 2.5 depicts the Maple code. That this will happen can also clearly be seen in the call to Maple:

jvm 1 | To Maple --> printf("%m", 'Matrix(2,2,{(1, 1) = -2, (1, 2) = 2*2^(1
/2), (2, 1) = 2*2^(1/2), (2, 2) = -4},datatype = anything,storage = rectangular,
order = Fortran_order,shape = [])');

How does it come that MapleTA 2.5 decides to add "%m" to printf? Is there a possibility to fix this by making appropriate changes in a setup file?

I would be grateful for any hint.

Full question source (the question asks for the eigenvalues of the shown matrix):

mode=Multi Formula@
name=eigenvalues (more ergonomic)@
algorithm=$case = range(1,3);
$c = maple("[sqrt(6),sqrt(8),2][$case]");
$sign = range(-1,1,2);
$b = range(-5,5);
$a = $b+($sign)*($case);
$display_matrix = maple("printf(MathML:-ExportPresentation(<<($a),($c)>|<($c),($b)>>))");
question=Bestimmen Sie die Eigenwerte von $display_matrix.

I am trying to plot a function via

\drawMaplePlot*{plot($m*(t-$t0),t=0..$tmax,labels=["t in a.u." ,"a in a.u."], labeldirections=[HORIZONTAL,VERTICAL])}

using LaTeX-authoring. This will result in

drawMaplePlot("plot($m*(t-$t0),t=0..$tmax,labels=["t in a.u." ,"a in a.u."], labeldirections=[HORIZONTAL,VERTICAL])",250,250);

in the edu-file. The problem is that the second " is interpreted as the end of the argument to drawMaplePlot.
What is the escape character for "? Escaping by \, i.e. \" does not work.

Of course the maple command
plot(m*(t-t0),t=0..tmax,labels=["t in a.u." ,"a in a.u."], labeldirections=[HORIZONTAL,VERTICAL])

I have encountered two problems with the symbolic editor in Maple T.A. 2.5. Both problems do not occur in Version 2.0.1:

Problem 1: Typesetting x^$n in authoring a question.
This will result in
<math xmlns=''><mstyle fontfamily='Times New Roman' mathsize='12' mathcolor='#000000' mathbackground='#ffffff' ><mrow></mrow></mstyle></math><math xmlns=''><mstyle fontfamily='Times New Roman' mathsize='12' mathcolor='#000000' mathbackground='#ffffff' ><mrow><mrow><msup superscriptshift='0'><mi mathcolor='#000000' mathbackground='#ffffff' mathsize='12' mathvariant='italic' fontfamily='Times New Roman'>x</mi><mrow><mi mathcolor='#000000' mathbackground='#ffffff' mathsize='12' mathvariant='italic' fontfamily='Times New Roman'>$</mi><mi mathcolor='#000000' mathbackground='#ffffff' mathsize='12' mathvariant='italic' fontfamily='Times New Roman'>n</mi></mrow></msup></mrow></mrow></mstyle></math>
I was trying to generate a derivative of randomized order in Maple T.A.
It seems impossible to me since the $ in the Maple syntax of
and the $ in the Maple T.A./brownstone syntax needed to denote a variable are incompatible.

Coding, for instance,
$n = range(2,5,1);
$function = maple("diff(x^5,x$($n))");
$n = range(2,5,1);
$function = maple("diff(x^5,x$$n)");
in the algorithm section makes Maple T.A. complain about a syntax error immediately

$n = range(2,5,1);
$function = maple("diff(x^5,x$n)");
leads to
jvm 1 | To Maple --> diff(x^5,x2)
being passed to Maple (taken from wrapper output).
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