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4 years, 276 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by raj2018

Thank you for your useful hints. In continution, I have another question.
 I want to rewrite w as w2 but I can't determine the value of M0 and M1 with Maple. What should I do?(see the attached file)

Thanks for your cmment. I have two questions:

1- Why the plot has been contain 2 layers(see attached photo)?  Is it possible to remove the lower layer?
2- How can I extract data of ploted figure (M,kc and deltah) as an excel file with 3 columns?

Thanks for your comment. V(phi) has been defined in the attached file:
Waiting for your reply.

Similar to initial W, the new W should satifies the mention conditions at phi=0 and phi_0 (e.g., W=dW/dphi=0 and d^2W/dphi^2 <0 and ....).

  • Do you still want three extrema and a negative function (meaning the same pattern as your initil W)?
  • Yes
  • Do you already have a solution?
  • Unfortunately no! Looking to find the first data.
    But I know that M should be a positive number and 0<d1<1.
    Here, the work is more complicated that the previous W.
    In fact, I am looking for a code that can change the value of each parameter)(k1, k2, d3, ...) in a given interval and see if there is a (M,d1)  that with the given parameters makes the W have three extreme like the initial W.
    ​Maybe our answer to the above question be No! there is not any values of (M,d1) for whcih we have 3 extreme points in W.

    The range of changes of some of the above parameters is as follows:
  • k1=2..5
  • s1=100-150
  • s2=1..5
  • s3=0.01..0.3
  • d3=0.001-0.004


Thank you for your post.
To better understand your post, I tried to use your code and your comprehensive comment for a new 'W' function, but I couldn't. May you help me?(please see the attached file)

In answer to following question:

Would you be interested in finding  the way to get, not a but several, triples T°= (phi_0°, f°, beta°) for which

  • W(0, T°)=0W'(0, T°) = 0
  • W(phi_0=phi_0°, T°) = 0
  • W(phi, T°) < 0for each phi in (phi_0°, 0)
  • W has only 3 extrema in the range (phi_0°, 0)

Yes. I'm interested in this. Meanwhile, depending on values of beta and f it  is possible that these 3 extreme points happen for phi>0(the right side of cordinate origin) and/or phi<0 (left side of origin) .
Also, if I consider the first extreme at phi=0 (at origin of coordinate system), your are right and we'll have 4 extreme points.
Moreover, Phi_0 and those value(s) of beta and f that satisfies the above conditions are unknown.
I hope you can help me, as you said at the end of your above comments.

Thanks for your comments. Considering a function similar to W,  what I need is to know for which value of f and beta, the function  W has a behavior similar to the plot in my uploaded file (that is, 3 consecutive maxima under the horizonal axis while w and dw/dphi=0 at phi=0) and these values can be extracted in the form of a T table.

@Carl Love 

In fact, it means that there should exist 3 extreme point beteen phi=0 and phi=phi0(similar figure in  the attached file)

I want to determine those vales of (f,beta) for which there exist 3 extreme point in plot of W vs phi, but we have found the location of the extreme points!

Thank you for your help.

@Rouben Rostamian  
I appreciate you for your help.
please see my new uploaded file. 
If we know [kc>3/2, kh>3/2, (M-u0b+sqrt(3)*sqrt(mu*sigma[b]))>0, M-u0b-sqrt(3)*sqrt(mu*sigma[b])>0, M-sqrt(3)*sqrt(sigma[i])>0, M+sqrt(3)*sqrt(sigma[i])>0], then for phi=0 we analytically have f1=0:

f1:=-(1-delta[h]-delta[b])-delta[h]-(delta[b]/18)*(3*mu*sqrt(3)*(2*sqrt(3*mu*sigma[b]))/(mu*sqrt(mu*sigma[b])))+(3*sqrt(3)/18)*(2*sqrt(3*sigma[i])/sqrt(sigma[i]))  # f1=diff(w,phi) at phi=0
 but with Maple f1(phi=0)<>0. 
 What is the reason for this difference? How can I get this result with Maple?

@Rouben Rostamian  
Thank you for your reply. 
The worksheet has been changed.
The uploaded worksheet was not complete, so I sent it again. Please see the new file

@Carl Love 
Thank you for your reply. 
First of all, I must say that your guess is correct.
As I wrote to you before, my function (q3) is a multi-variable function. Some variables have a fixed value (for example, u0b or mu , ...), but others, such as M or delta_h, have a range of changes and "all values" within the range must be considered, not just the first and last points of the range. My goal is to find the 'phi' or (phi)s in which the function q3 satisfies the following three conditions:
1)q3=0, dq3/dphi=0 at phi=phi_0 where 0<phi<phi_0,
2) q3<0 for 0<phi<phi_0.
3) q3=0, dq3/dphi=0 and d^2(q3)/d(phi)^2<0 at phi=0. 

I'm waiting for your reply.

@Carl Love 
Hi Carl Love,
Can you give me some advice to solve this problem that I raised with you yesterday?

@Carl Love 
Thank you very much for your comment. That error was removed, but unfortunately, my worksheet does not work well. 
Can you help me?
My problem is:
Assuming having the q3 function and the specified parameters in the attached file(kc, kh, ... delta[b]), I am looking to find a point or points (for example, phi=phi_0) where the following conditions are met for specific values of delta[h] and M in mentioned intervals and then draw q3 versus phi:
1)q3=0, dq3/dphi=0 at phi=phi_0 where 0<phi<phi_0,
2) q3<0 for 0<phi<phi_0.

Of course, at phi=0, the conditions q3=0, dq3/dphi=0 and d^2(q3)/d(phi)^2<0 must be met, which are met.


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