
55 Reputation

4 Badges

11 years, 51 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by rashmi

I am trying to have the output of DETOOLS as 3dpolarplot. As in the following example:


EF := {2*(diff(w[2](t), t)) = 10, diff(w[1](t), t) = sqrt(2/w[1](t)), diff(w[3](t), t) = 0}; with(DEtools); DEplot3d(EF, {w[1](t), w[2](t), w[3](t)}, t = 0 .. 100, [[w[1](0) = 1, w[2](0) = 0, w[3](0) = 0]], scene = [w[1](t), w[2](t), w[3](t)], stepsize = .1, orientation = [139, -106])


how can I get the output as a polarplot in 3d where, w[2] and w[3] have range 0..2*pi.

Please help in this respect asap.



I have a first order differential eq. for some variable say $r(x)$, where $x$ is the independent variable.

After solving this differential equation numerically, I want to use its solution in other expression for $r(x)$ and plot the expession with $x$.

Please let me know how to do it.

Thanks in advance.



Dear all,

I want to know how can I solve a fourth or higher order equation to find out its roots, actually coefficients of each power terms itself are functins of other parameters not constant.

Please reply as soon as possible, as this is very urgent,


how gr operators work?

I tried to run example given there but it is not working,

where can I get more examples to understand working of Gr operators work?

specially for raychaudhuri equations.

How can I solve raychaudhuri equations numerically using GRtensor?

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