
5 Reputation

One Badge

12 years, 197 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by rdw42

@Rong Ah ok that makes sense now.  So IsEmpty( sys, R) checks whether there are real solutions and IsEmpty( cs, R ) checks whether there are complex solutions.  So my system has a complex solution but no real solutions.  I need to try to find a similar command to IsEmpty( sys, R ) that would work in Maple 15.  I'll post it here if I find one.  Thank you!

@Rong Ah ok that makes sense now.  So IsEmpty( sys, R) checks whether there are real solutions and IsEmpty( cs, R ) checks whether there are complex solutions.  So my system has a complex solution but no real solutions.  I need to try to find a similar command to IsEmpty( sys, R ) that would work in Maple 15.  I'll post it here if I find one.  Thank you!

 Here it is, thanks.


@Clare So 

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