
90 Reputation

7 Badges

14 years, 283 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by reemeaaaah

Thank you so much that was helpful .

@Preben Alsholm 

It works thank you so much

@Preben Alsholm 

It works thank you so much

Thank you for your replay. I was going wrong using rand().

I am trying to run the code that you provided but I have problem on this part:

 Ap:=piecewise(t   YP[1]:=-(Ap+r(t)+B*Y[1])*Y[1]

I get: Error, unable to match delimiters

I added delimiter Ap:=piecewise(t   YP[1]):=-(Ap+r(t)+B*Y[1])*Y[1]

I get: Error, `:=` unexpected

The second code works.

Thank you so much for your helpful replay. I will carefully go through it to understand the process.

Thank you for your replay. I was going wrong using rand().

I am trying to run the code that you provided but I have problem on this part:

 Ap:=piecewise(t   YP[1]:=-(Ap+r(t)+B*Y[1])*Y[1]

I get: Error, unable to match delimiters

I added delimiter Ap:=piecewise(t   YP[1]):=-(Ap+r(t)+B*Y[1])*Y[1]

I get: Error, `:=` unexpected

The second code works.

Thank you so much for your helpful replay. I will carefully go through it to understand the process.

@Markiyan Hirnyk 

Thank you

@Markiyan Hirnyk 

Thank you

@Preben Alsholm 

thank you for your useful information about event

@Preben Alsholm 

thank you for your useful information about event

Perfect! this is exactly what i need

Thank you

Perfect! this is exactly what i need

Thank you

Thanks for your comment. I did  A[1] := B[3]; nothing changed.

Thanks for your comment. I did  A[1] := B[3]; nothing changed.

Thank you so much.  Great, exactly what i asked for. Thanks

Thank you so much.  Great, exactly what i asked for. Thanks

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