
90 Reputation

7 Badges

14 years, 283 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by reemeaaaah

Any ideas please?



Thank you for your replay and the example.  This is my program:

> restart;

> with(DEtools);
> k := 0;
> ode := diff(U(t), t) = -((0.01/365)+((0.01/365)*U(t)))*U(t);

> ic1 := U(365*k) = 1000;
> sol1 := dsolve({ic1, ode}, U(t), numeric);
> k := 1;
> sigma := 1.5; A := proc (t) options operator, arrow; rhs(sol1(t)[2]) end proc; A(365*k);

ic2 := U(365*k) = sigma*A(365*k);
> sol2 := dsolve({ic2, ode}, U(t), numeric);

> k := 2;
> sigma := 1.5; A := proc (t) options operator, arrow; rhs(sol2(t)[2]) end proc; A(365*k);

ic3 := U(365*k) = sigma*A(365*k);

> sol3 := dsolve({ic3, ode}, U(t), numeric);
> k := 3;
> sigma := 1.5; A := proc (t) options operator, arrow; rhs(sol3(t)[2]) end proc; A(365*k);

ic4 := U(365*k) = sigma*A(365*k);

> sol4 := dsolve({ic4, ode}, U(t), numeric);
and this is my do loop:
> restart;

> with(DEtools);
> k := 0;
> ode := diff(U(t), t) = -((0.01/365)+((0.01/365)*U(t)))*U(t);

> ic1 := U(365*k) = 1000;
> sol1 := dsolve({ic1, ode}, U(t), numeric);
> k := 1;

> for k to 10 do 365*k; sigma := 1.5;
V := proc (t) options operator, arrow; rhs(sol1(t)[2]) end proc; V(365*k);
ic2 := U(365*k) = sigma*V(365*k);
sol2 := dsolve({ic2, ode}, U(t), numeric)
end do;
What I am trying to do is to run it at k=0 and then make a do-loop from k=1 to k=10 but as you can see I am using what i get from dsolve to make my new ic and then solve the ode again.
Can I do a do-loop that save what i get from k=1 and use it as new ic to run k=2 and so on?
Thank you very much.


Thank you for your replay and the example.  This is my program:

> restart;

> with(DEtools);
> k := 0;
> ode := diff(U(t), t) = -((0.01/365)+((0.01/365)*U(t)))*U(t);

> ic1 := U(365*k) = 1000;
> sol1 := dsolve({ic1, ode}, U(t), numeric);
> k := 1;
> sigma := 1.5; A := proc (t) options operator, arrow; rhs(sol1(t)[2]) end proc; A(365*k);

ic2 := U(365*k) = sigma*A(365*k);
> sol2 := dsolve({ic2, ode}, U(t), numeric);

> k := 2;
> sigma := 1.5; A := proc (t) options operator, arrow; rhs(sol2(t)[2]) end proc; A(365*k);

ic3 := U(365*k) = sigma*A(365*k);

> sol3 := dsolve({ic3, ode}, U(t), numeric);
> k := 3;
> sigma := 1.5; A := proc (t) options operator, arrow; rhs(sol3(t)[2]) end proc; A(365*k);

ic4 := U(365*k) = sigma*A(365*k);

> sol4 := dsolve({ic4, ode}, U(t), numeric);
and this is my do loop:
> restart;

> with(DEtools);
> k := 0;
> ode := diff(U(t), t) = -((0.01/365)+((0.01/365)*U(t)))*U(t);

> ic1 := U(365*k) = 1000;
> sol1 := dsolve({ic1, ode}, U(t), numeric);
> k := 1;

> for k to 10 do 365*k; sigma := 1.5;
V := proc (t) options operator, arrow; rhs(sol1(t)[2]) end proc; V(365*k);
ic2 := U(365*k) = sigma*V(365*k);
sol2 := dsolve({ic2, ode}, U(t), numeric)
end do;
What I am trying to do is to run it at k=0 and then make a do-loop from k=1 to k=10 but as you can see I am using what i get from dsolve to make my new ic and then solve the ode again.
Can I do a do-loop that save what i get from k=1 and use it as new ic to run k=2 and so on?
Thank you very much.



Thank you for your replay.

It is only one ODE and I am solving it two times with new conditions.



I have maple 14. I  copied your code and run it. It works with no errors. Thanks you so much for your help


I have maple 14. I  copied your code and run it. It works with no errors. Thanks you so much for your help

Thank you for yor replay. I  received an error when I run it. for k to 3 until end do 
is in one maple input right?
> restart;
> with(DEtools); with(plots);
> lambda := 0.1; delta := .5; tau := 40;
> for k to 3 do 365*k;  
inc1 := U(0) = 100;   ;

sol1 := dsolve({inc1, ode}, U(t), numeric);

F := proc (t) options operator, arrow; rhs(sol1(t)[2]) end proc; 
Z:=(1-delta[])*F((365 k)+tau[]+0);  
inc2:=U((365 k)+tau[]+0)= Z; 
end do; ;
Error, (in dsolve/numeric/process_input) system must be entered as a set/list of expressions/equations
t -> rhs(sol1(t)[2])
Error, (in F) invalid input: rhs received sol1(365*k+40)[2], which is not valid for its 1st argument, expr
Thank you for yor replay. I  received an error when I run it. for k to 3 until end do 
is in one maple input right?
> restart;
> with(DEtools); with(plots);
> lambda := 0.1; delta := .5; tau := 40;
> for k to 3 do 365*k;  
inc1 := U(0) = 100;   ;

sol1 := dsolve({inc1, ode}, U(t), numeric);

F := proc (t) options operator, arrow; rhs(sol1(t)[2]) end proc; 
Z:=(1-delta[])*F((365 k)+tau[]+0);  
inc2:=U((365 k)+tau[]+0)= Z; 
end do; ;
Error, (in dsolve/numeric/process_input) system must be entered as a set/list of expressions/equations
t -> rhs(sol1(t)[2])
Error, (in F) invalid input: rhs received sol1(365*k+40)[2], which is not valid for its 1st argument, expr
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