
72 Reputation

2 Badges

15 years, 319 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by sansar

Thank you that really worked.

Thank you but is there any other way that I can use?I used that method but it gave me an error.

Thanks a lot.I really appreciate that.

Interesting,i don't know why it makes 1,0000 instead of just 1.For second question,I used

> restart;

> with(LinearAlgebra):

> solve([x+y=2,2x+2y=3],{x,y});

I know the system has no solution but shouln't it give an error or something else?

Thanks for your help.I did the plotting and calculated matrix.However, for strange reason, my professor wants me to do linear equation with two unknowns instead of three like you did.It doesn't make sense because you only need two equations for two unknowns.Can you give me an example with two unknowns in three different linear equations?I also need to make it row reduced echelon form.Thanks for your help from now on.

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