
120 Reputation

4 Badges

18 years, 88 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by sfdesignguru

Hi, Does anyone know why the following doesn't work? I just changed amplitude of cos(t) to be 2cos(t). Somehow Maple doesn't like the expression. Error, (in unknown) improper op or subscript selector Any idea? How can I tickmarks for value in Y-axis? f:=(2*cos(t)+cos(3*t)+cos(4*t))/Pi: S:=inttrans[fourier](f,t,w); F:=S->map(x->plottools[line]([-op([1,2],x),0],[-op([1,2],x),1]),[op(S)]): plots[display](F(S),color=blue, tickmarks=[[-4="-w3",-3="-w2",-1="-w1",1="w1",3="w2",4="w3"],[0=0]],labels=[`w[Rad/sec]`,Amplitude],view=[-6..6,0..5]); Thanks!
Hi, Does anyone know why the following doesn't work? I just changed amplitude of cos(t) to be 2cos(t). Somehow Maple doesn't like the expression. Error, (in unknown) improper op or subscript selector Any idea? How can I tickmarks for value in Y-axis? f:=(2*cos(t)+cos(3*t)+cos(4*t))/Pi: S:=inttrans[fourier](f,t,w); F:=S->map(x->plottools[line]([-op([1,2],x),0],[-op([1,2],x),1]),[op(S)]): plots[display](F(S),color=blue, tickmarks=[[-4="-w3",-3="-w2",-1="-w1",1="w1",3="w2",4="w3"],[0=0]],labels=[`w[Rad/sec]`,Amplitude],view=[-6..6,0..5]); Thanks!
I got it. I thought there is a way to draw the plot in symbolic ways. I used classic Maple 10. Thanks for comments!
I got it. I thought there is a way to draw the plot in symbolic ways. I used classic Maple 10. Thanks for comments!
Hi, Thanks a lot for the quick reply! and the example is awesome! Yet w1,w2, and w3 are prefinded as 1, 3, and 4. Then the plot is replaced with the symbol in X-axis. Can we also specify amplitude of X in a symbol of K? i.e) K*Cos(w*t) Amplutude can be represented in the value of K. Let's say we have arbitary w1, w2, and w3 values. Is there another way to draw the symbolic plot rather than using the predefined numbers of 1, 3, and 4?? Thanks, FYI) In my case, I saw -w1 in plot. Maybe the font issue..
Hi, Thanks a lot for the quick reply! and the example is awesome! Yet w1,w2, and w3 are prefinded as 1, 3, and 4. Then the plot is replaced with the symbol in X-axis. Can we also specify amplitude of X in a symbol of K? i.e) K*Cos(w*t) Amplutude can be represented in the value of K. Let's say we have arbitary w1, w2, and w3 values. Is there another way to draw the symbolic plot rather than using the predefined numbers of 1, 3, and 4?? Thanks, FYI) In my case, I saw -w1 in plot. Maybe the font issue..
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