
105 Reputation

10 Badges

11 years, 73 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by sunit

@J4James Hi, i m sorry, i just forgot to attach it, here it is.

@Markiyan Hirnyk Thanx for ur suggestion, but i need explicit one as i need to do further manipulation with it..




@Carl Love Hi Carl,

I m saving my expression by,

save expression, "file path\\file_name.m".

How could i put restart in .m file.



@Carl Love Yeah, it might be. But i was putting restart in both codes.

@acer Hi, i think i got it, why it is happening. I m running two code similar to each other having same assumptions. Now when i am running one code at a time and trying to put values or unassigned the assumptions related to parameters then it is doing fine.

Thanx and Regards


@acer Hi, it is not helping me out, i think i need to unassign parameters before saving into .m file.


@Carl Love No,i did not make such assumption twice.

@Thomas Richard Hi Richard,

Sorry to bother u again. I have 8 core machine, but when i run the code then i dont think then i can utilize all cores. So is it possible to change in code in such a way that i can utilize all cores.



@Thomas Richard Thanx Richard, It is now downloading, i am not having any memory alloc problem, but it is time taking.

Thanx again for ur help.



@Thomas Richard Thanx Richard, But i could not download the file. Error is coming that wither file has been removed or deleted.



@Thomas Richard Hi,

Thanx for ur suggestion, but still i m not getting any improved answer you siad u got this solution in 20 mins, but in my case it is taking more than 20 min. and it is continuously consuming memory. My computers config. is 16GB RAM, with 3.06GHz Processor. If u dont mind then could u attach the modified maple sheet, so that i can see where am i making mistake.

Thanx for ur time, and suggestion.



Thanx, both of the answers are working for me.



@Carl Love Hi, actually i dont know how to solve this system numerically, as there is switch condition i.e if -x(t)<a[1](t) and -x(t)>a[1](t). So need a hint or appropriate command in maple.



@Carl Love Initial condition for a[2] is 0, i m sorry for that. But if u will look on it then u can find in both cases it is easily convertable with first order ode. If i can covert it so is it possible to solve it. And do i need to write Perben Alsholm to solve my proble,



@Carl Love Thanx for that, but still i did not get how to solve my problem :(



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