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2 years, 69 days

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These are questions asked by sursumCorda

The ODE is: 

eqn := y(x)*(2*x*diff(y(x), x) + y(x)*(diff(y(x), x)^2 - 1)) = -1: # How about another ODE 'lhs(eqn) = +1' ?

Maple can solve it, but I find that (to get all four solutions) I have to execute the dsolve command twice


eqn := y(x)*(2*x*(diff(y(x), x))+y(x)*((diff(y(x), x))^2-1)) = -1

dsolve(eqn, {y(x)}, 'parametric', 'singsol' = all)

y(x) = (c__1^2+2*c__1*x+1)^(1/2), y(x) = -(c__1^2+2*c__1*x+1)^(1/2)


dsolve(eqn, {y(x)}, 'singsol' = all)

y(x) = (-x^2+1)^(1/2), y(x) = -(-x^2+1)^(1/2), Int(-((_a^2+y(x)^2-1)^(1/2)*_a*y(x)^2-_a^2*y(x)^2-y(x)^4+2*_a^2+3*y(x)^2-2)/((y(x)^2+2*_a-2)*(-y(x)^2+2*_a+2)*(_a^2+y(x)^2-1)), _a = _b .. x)+Intat(-_f/(2*(_f^2+x^2-1)^(1/2)*x^2+(_f^2+x^2-1)^(1/2)*_f^2+2*x^3+2*x*_f^2-2*(_f^2+x^2-1)^(1/2)-2*x)-(Int(-(_a*_f^3/(_a^2+_f^2-1)^(1/2)+2*(_a^2+_f^2-1)^(1/2)*_a*_f-2*_a^2*_f-4*_f^3+6*_f)/((_f^2+2*_a-2)*(-_f^2+2*_a+2)*(_a^2+_f^2-1))+2*((_a^2+_f^2-1)^(1/2)*_a*_f^2-_a^2*_f^2-_f^4+2*_a^2+3*_f^2-2)*_f/((_f^2+2*_a-2)^2*(-_f^2+2*_a+2)*(_a^2+_f^2-1))-2*((_a^2+_f^2-1)^(1/2)*_a*_f^2-_a^2*_f^2-_f^4+2*_a^2+3*_f^2-2)*_f/((_f^2+2*_a-2)*(-_f^2+2*_a+2)^2*(_a^2+_f^2-1))+2*((_a^2+_f^2-1)^(1/2)*_a*_f^2-_a^2*_f^2-_f^4+2*_a^2+3*_f^2-2)*_f/((_f^2+2*_a-2)*(-_f^2+2*_a+2)*(_a^2+_f^2-1)^2), _a = _b .. x)), _f = y(x))+c__1 = 0, Int((_a^2*y(x)^2-2*_a^2+y(x)^4-3*y(x)^2+(_a^2+y(x)^2-1)^(1/2)*_a*y(x)^2+2)/((y(x)^2+2*_a-2)*(-y(x)^2+2*_a+2)*(_a^2+y(x)^2-1)), _a = _b .. x)+Intat(_f/(2*(_f^2+x^2-1)^(1/2)*x^2+(_f^2+x^2-1)^(1/2)*_f^2-2*x^3-2*x*_f^2-2*(_f^2+x^2-1)^(1/2)+2*x)-(Int((2*_a^2*_f+4*_f^3-6*_f+_a*_f^3/(_a^2+_f^2-1)^(1/2)+2*(_a^2+_f^2-1)^(1/2)*_a*_f)/((_f^2+2*_a-2)*(-_f^2+2*_a+2)*(_a^2+_f^2-1))-2*(_a^2*_f^2-2*_a^2+_f^4-3*_f^2+(_a^2+_f^2-1)^(1/2)*_a*_f^2+2)*_f/((_f^2+2*_a-2)^2*(-_f^2+2*_a+2)*(_a^2+_f^2-1))+2*(_a^2*_f^2-2*_a^2+_f^4-3*_f^2+(_a^2+_f^2-1)^(1/2)*_a*_f^2+2)*_f/((_f^2+2*_a-2)*(-_f^2+2*_a+2)^2*(_a^2+_f^2-1))-2*(_a^2*_f^2-2*_a^2+_f^4-3*_f^2+(_a^2+_f^2-1)^(1/2)*_a*_f^2+2)*_f/((_f^2+2*_a-2)*(-_f^2+2*_a+2)*(_a^2+_f^2-1)^2), _a = _b .. x)), _f = y(x))+c__1 = 0





However, in MATLAB®, the complete solutions can be found just in one go

>> dsolve('y*(2*x*Dy + y*(Dy^2 - 1)) = -1', 'x') % require the Symbolic Math Toolbox™
ans =
 -(-(x - 1)*(x + 1))^(1/2)
  (-(x - 1)*(x + 1))^(1/2)
 (C1^2 + 2*x*C1 + 1)^(1/2)
-(C1^2 + 2*x*C1 + 1)^(1/2)

Does anyone know why? lists some external packages used by Maple, but it appears that certain libraries are of outdated (albeit not obsolete) versions. For example, Maple 2023 uses FLINT 2.6.3 (released in 2020), but the newest stable version of FLINT is 2.9.0. Also, Maple 2023 uses Z3 4.5.0 (released in 2016), but the newest stable version of Z3 is 4.12.1. In addition, Maple 2023 uses GCC 10.2.0 (released in 2020), but the newest stable version of GCC is 13.1. Since they are distributed under free licenses, I can download the most recent (or even nightly) release's source code, but how can I replace the old components that Maple uses by the latest ones by myself?

Here are three algebraic numbers: (In fact, they are solutions to some equation. See the attachment below.)

bSol := {RootOf(1216*_Z^4 + (264*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 0.2246 .. 0.2266)^8 + 408*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 0.2246 .. 0.2266)^7 - 1580*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 0.2246 .. 0.2266)^6 - 6832*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 0.2246 .. 0.2266)^5 + 3508*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 0.2246 .. 0.2266)^4 + 9944*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 0.2246 .. 0.2266)^3 + 9948*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 0.2246 .. 0.2266)^2 - 10752*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 0.2246 .. 0.2266) + 5204)*_Z^3 + (891*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 0.2246 .. 0.2266)^8 + 1652*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 0.2246 .. 0.2266)^7 - 4748*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 0.2246 .. 0.2266)^6 - 24076*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 0.2246 .. 0.2266)^5 + 5354*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 0.2246 .. 0.2266)^4 + 35356*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 0.2246 .. 0.2266)^3 + 29668*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 0.2246 .. 0.2266)^2 - 196*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 0.2246 .. 0.2266) + 3971)*_Z^2 + (506*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 0.2246 .. 0.2266)^8 + 980*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 0.2246 .. 0.2266)^7 - 2264*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 0.2246 .. 0.2266)^6 - 12420*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 0.2246 .. 0.2266)^5 + 3676*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 0.2246 .. 0.2266)^4 + 11596*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 0.2246 .. 0.2266)^3 + 33800*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 0.2246 .. 0.2266)^2 - 7772*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 0.2246 .. 0.2266) + 1210)*_Z - 473*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 0.2246 .. 0.2266)^8 - 720*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 0.2246 .. 0.2266)^7 + 2560*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 0.2246 .. 0.2266)^6 + 10960*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 0.2246 .. 0.2266)^5 - 8034*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 0.2246 .. 0.2266)^4 - 13840*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 0.2246 .. 0.2266)^3 - 9304*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 0.2246 .. 0.2266)^2 + 1104*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 0.2246 .. 0.2266) - 1133, index = real[2]), RootOf(1216*_Z^4 + (264*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 1.671 .. 1.68)^8 + 408*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 1.671 .. 1.68)^7 - 1580*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 1.671 .. 1.68)^6 - 6832*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 1.671 .. 1.68)^5 + 3508*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 1.671 .. 1.68)^4 + 9944*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 1.671 .. 1.68)^3 + 9948*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 1.671 .. 1.68)^2 - 10752*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 1.671 .. 1.68) + 5204)*_Z^3 + (891*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 1.671 .. 1.68)^8 + 1652*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 1.671 .. 1.68)^7 - 4748*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 1.671 .. 1.68)^6 - 24076*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 1.671 .. 1.68)^5 + 5354*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 1.671 .. 1.68)^4 + 35356*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 1.671 .. 1.68)^3 + 29668*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 1.671 .. 1.68)^2 - 196*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 1.671 .. 1.68) + 3971)*_Z^2 + (506*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 1.671 .. 1.68)^8 + 980*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 1.671 .. 1.68)^7 - 2264*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 1.671 .. 1.68)^6 - 12420*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 1.671 .. 1.68)^5 + 3676*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 1.671 .. 1.68)^4 + 11596*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 1.671 .. 1.68)^3 + 33800*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 1.671 .. 1.68)^2 - 7772*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 1.671 .. 1.68) + 1210)*_Z - 473*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 1.671 .. 1.68)^8 - 720*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 1.671 .. 1.68)^7 + 2560*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 1.671 .. 1.68)^6 + 10960*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 1.671 .. 1.68)^5 - 8034*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 1.671 .. 1.68)^4 - 13840*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 1.671 .. 1.68)^3 - 9304*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 1.671 .. 1.68)^2 + 1104*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 1.671 .. 1.68) - 1133, index = real[2]), RootOf(1216*_Z^4 + (264*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 2.648 .. 2.657)^8 + 408*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 2.648 .. 2.657)^7 - 1580*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 2.648 .. 2.657)^6 - 6832*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 2.648 .. 2.657)^5 + 3508*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 2.648 .. 2.657)^4 + 9944*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 2.648 .. 2.657)^3 + 9948*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 2.648 .. 2.657)^2 - 10752*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 2.648 .. 2.657) + 5204)*_Z^3 + (891*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 2.648 .. 2.657)^8 + 1652*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 2.648 .. 2.657)^7 - 4748*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 2.648 .. 2.657)^6 - 24076*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 2.648 .. 2.657)^5 + 5354*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 2.648 .. 2.657)^4 + 35356*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 2.648 .. 2.657)^3 + 29668*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 2.648 .. 2.657)^2 - 196*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 2.648 .. 2.657) + 3971)*_Z^2 + (506*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 2.648 .. 2.657)^8 + 980*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 2.648 .. 2.657)^7 - 2264*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 2.648 .. 2.657)^6 - 12420*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 2.648 .. 2.657)^5 + 3676*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 2.648 .. 2.657)^4 + 11596*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 2.648 .. 2.657)^3 + 33800*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 2.648 .. 2.657)^2 - 7772*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 2.648 .. 2.657) + 1210)*_Z - 473*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 2.648 .. 2.657)^8 - 720*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 2.648 .. 2.657)^7 + 2560*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 2.648 .. 2.657)^6 + 10960*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 2.648 .. 2.657)^5 - 8034*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 2.648 .. 2.657)^4 - 13840*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 2.648 .. 2.657)^3 - 9304*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 2.648 .. 2.657)^2 + 1104*RootOf(11*_Z^9 + 17*_Z^8 - 64*_Z^7 - 280*_Z^6 + 142*_Z^5 + 370*_Z^4 + 376*_Z^3 - 96*_Z^2 + 47*_Z - 11, 2.648 .. 2.657) - 1133, index = real[2])}:

One may check that 11_X9-47_X8+96_X7-376_X6-370_X5-142_X4+280_X3+64_X2-17_X-11 is an “annihilating” polynomial of each of them (using another computer algebra system); accordingly, the degree of the minimal polynomial cannot be greater than 9. However, Maple's output indicates that the minimal polynomial is of degree 36


alias(`~`[`=`](alpha__ || (1 .. 3), ` $`, RootOf(11*_Z^9+17*_Z^8-64*_Z^7-280*_Z^6+142*_Z^5+370*_Z^4+376*_Z^3-96*_Z^2+47*_Z-11, .2246 .. .2266), RootOf(11*_Z^9+17*_Z^8-64*_Z^7-280*_Z^6+142*_Z^5+370*_Z^4+376*_Z^3-96*_Z^2+47*_Z-11, 1.671 .. 1.68), RootOf(11*_Z^9+17*_Z^8-64*_Z^7-280*_Z^6+142*_Z^5+370*_Z^4+376*_Z^3-96*_Z^2+47*_Z-11, 2.648 .. 2.657)))

({PDETools:-Solve})({`~`[`>=`](a, b, ` $`, 0), a^5*b+4*a^4*b^2+4*a^3*b^3-7*a^4*b-6*a^2*b^3-7*a*b^4+b^5-6*a^3*b+12*a^2*b^2+4*b^4+4*a^3-6*a*b^2+4*b^3+4*a^2-7*a*b+a = 0, a <> b})
bSol := `~`[subs](%, b)

evalf[2*Digits](`~`[eval](11*_X^9-47*_X^8+96*_X^7-376*_X^6-370*_X^5-142*_X^4+280*_X^3+64*_X^2-17*_X-11, `~`[`=`](_X, bSol)))

{RootOf(1216*_Z^4+(264*alpha__1^8+408*alpha__1^7-1580*alpha__1^6-6832*alpha__1^5+3508*alpha__1^4+9944*alpha__1^3+9948*alpha__1^2-10752*alpha__1+5204)*_Z^3+(891*alpha__1^8+1652*alpha__1^7-4748*alpha__1^6-24076*alpha__1^5+5354*alpha__1^4+35356*alpha__1^3+29668*alpha__1^2-196*alpha__1+3971)*_Z^2+(506*alpha__1^8+980*alpha__1^7-2264*alpha__1^6-12420*alpha__1^5+3676*alpha__1^4+11596*alpha__1^3+33800*alpha__1^2-7772*alpha__1+1210)*_Z-473*alpha__1^8-720*alpha__1^7+2560*alpha__1^6+10960*alpha__1^5-8034*alpha__1^4-13840*alpha__1^3-9304*alpha__1^2+1104*alpha__1-1133, index = real[2]), RootOf(1216*_Z^4+(264*alpha__2^8+408*alpha__2^7-1580*alpha__2^6-6832*alpha__2^5+3508*alpha__2^4+9944*alpha__2^3+9948*alpha__2^2-10752*alpha__2+5204)*_Z^3+(891*alpha__2^8+1652*alpha__2^7-4748*alpha__2^6-24076*alpha__2^5+5354*alpha__2^4+35356*alpha__2^3+29668*alpha__2^2-196*alpha__2+3971)*_Z^2+(506*alpha__2^8+980*alpha__2^7-2264*alpha__2^6-12420*alpha__2^5+3676*alpha__2^4+11596*alpha__2^3+33800*alpha__2^2-7772*alpha__2+1210)*_Z-473*alpha__2^8-720*alpha__2^7+2560*alpha__2^6+10960*alpha__2^5-8034*alpha__2^4-13840*alpha__2^3-9304*alpha__2^2+1104*alpha__2-1133, index = real[2]), RootOf(1216*_Z^4+(264*alpha__3^8+408*alpha__3^7-1580*alpha__3^6-6832*alpha__3^5+3508*alpha__3^4+9944*alpha__3^3+9948*alpha__3^2-10752*alpha__3+5204)*_Z^3+(891*alpha__3^8+1652*alpha__3^7-4748*alpha__3^6-24076*alpha__3^5+5354*alpha__3^4+35356*alpha__3^3+29668*alpha__3^2-196*alpha__3+3971)*_Z^2+(506*alpha__3^8+980*alpha__3^7-2264*alpha__3^6-12420*alpha__3^5+3676*alpha__3^4+11596*alpha__3^3+33800*alpha__3^2-7772*alpha__3+1210)*_Z-473*alpha__3^8-720*alpha__3^7+2560*alpha__3^6+10960*alpha__3^5-8034*alpha__3^4-13840*alpha__3^3-9304*alpha__3^2+1104*alpha__3-1133, index = real[2])}


{-0.7765721e-11, -0.40e-16, -0.2e-17}


`~`[`@`(evala, Minpoly)](bSol, _X)



`~`[PolynomialTools[MinimalPolynomial]](bSol, _X)



factor({{-260609229001-1323970439902*_X+407012808852624*_X^23-22043121133088*_X^22-2647129453154576*_X^21-5329535956015778*_X^20-11189597881735324*_X^19+18014890583299168*_X^18-25692630236542548*_X^17+57603516516708946*_X^16-105923732078802352*_X^15+36990665431348512*_X^14+67887070781490608*_X^13+7076599400759636*_X^12-81888059180050616*_X^11+306280599794336*_X^10+61823634144236824*_X^9-31748793508955524*_X^8-101389427707536*_X^7+2187899683524768*_X^6+660533278629392*_X^5-387155677491847*_X^4+49950033905750*_X^3-2487153978848*_X^2+14641*_X^36+748022*_X^35+14367232*_X^34-18882494*_X^33-1885893201*_X^32-8021957456*_X^31+128807680096*_X^30+601684442192*_X^29+136952065956*_X^28-7313279407608*_X^27-20755313257248*_X^26-72279502775080*_X^25-235147325265588*_X^24}[], {-17799961-(10941904462/121)*_X+(407012808852624/14641)*_X^23-(2003920103008/1331)*_X^22-(2647129453154576/14641)*_X^21-(5329535956015778/14641)*_X^20-(11189597881735324/14641)*_X^19+(18014890583299168/14641)*_X^18-(25692630236542548/14641)*_X^17+(57603516516708946/14641)*_X^16-(875402744452912/121)*_X^15+(36990665431348512/14641)*_X^14+(67887070781490608/14641)*_X^13+(643327218250876/1331)*_X^12-(81888059180050616/14641)*_X^11+(306280599794336/14641)*_X^10+(61823634144236824/14641)*_X^9-(31748793508955524/14641)*_X^8-(101389427707536/14641)*_X^7+(2187899683524768/14641)*_X^6+(660533278629392/14641)*_X^5-(35195970681077/1331)*_X^4+(4540912173250/1331)*_X^3-(226104907168/1331)*_X^2+_X^36+(562/11)*_X^35+(1306112/1331)*_X^34-(18882494/14641)*_X^33-(1885893201/14641)*_X^32-(8021957456/14641)*_X^31+(128807680096/14641)*_X^30+(601684442192/14641)*_X^29+(136952065956/14641)*_X^28-(7313279407608/14641)*_X^27-(20755313257248/14641)*_X^26-(72279502775080/14641)*_X^25-(235147325265588/14641)*_X^24}[]})

{(11*_X^9-47*_X^8+96*_X^7-376*_X^6-370*_X^5-142*_X^4+280*_X^3+64*_X^2-17*_X-11)*(83746429305*_X-163433814*_X^23-1409885474*_X^22+7323055726*_X^21+92878340298*_X^20+291711433585*_X^19-28358008525*_X^18-1146850616945*_X^17+2003142623069*_X^16+7054039060380*_X^15+10860482240404*_X^14+4410674835220*_X^13-23715924119108*_X^12+39935154074341*_X^11-76564178781009*_X^10+246946329497683*_X^9-303627746551159*_X^8+41661161235738*_X^7+181533634595246*_X^6-146573328877410*_X^5+44279227597786*_X^4-3813039868649*_X^3+234521505317*_X^2+1331*_X^27+73689*_X^26+1609349*_X^25+4562111*_X^24+23691748091), (1/14641)*(11*_X^9-47*_X^8+96*_X^7-376*_X^6-370*_X^5-142*_X^4+280*_X^3+64*_X^2-17*_X-11)*(83746429305*_X-163433814*_X^23-1409885474*_X^22+7323055726*_X^21+92878340298*_X^20+291711433585*_X^19-28358008525*_X^18-1146850616945*_X^17+2003142623069*_X^16+7054039060380*_X^15+10860482240404*_X^14+4410674835220*_X^13-23715924119108*_X^12+39935154074341*_X^11-76564178781009*_X^10+246946329497683*_X^9-303627746551159*_X^8+41661161235738*_X^7+181533634595246*_X^6-146573328877410*_X^5+44279227597786*_X^4-3813039868649*_X^3+234521505317*_X^2+1331*_X^27+73689*_X^26+1609349*_X^25+4562111*_X^24+23691748091)}





Isn't the results incorrect? 

Let us begin with the official descriptions of loops. The Maple® documentation claims that: 

Note that the examples above don't necessarily illustrate the best way to perform these operations. Often a functional form like seqmapadd, or mul is far more efficient.

Mma's tech tutorial also claims that: 

If you have a big program full of IfDoReturn, etc., you're probably not doing things right
Often, however, you can make more elegant and efficient programs using the functional programming constructs ….

Also, MatLab's Techniques to Improve Performance and Measure and Improve GPU Performance claims that: 

You can achieve better performance by rewriting loops to make use of higher-dimensional operations. The performance of a wide variety of element-wise functions can be improved … instead of looping over the matrices.

Well, I'm confused. Why did the official help page say like this? Actually, I find that lots of users in this forum still (and usually) use traditional for-loops instead of something which fits in with the alleged functional programming ideas. Did I misconstrue those statements? 
(For instance, as for the functional operations, it's unfortunate that Maple's built-in map cannot operate on arbitrary expression trees of any depth; so I have to use the loops to apply some procedure indirectly, which is not so convenient. In my opinion, owing to such limitation, people have to, and then gradually tend to, use the loops.) 

According to this help page

the transitive reduction of graph G, is the graph with the fewest edges that still shares the same reachability as G (but might contain new edges not present in G). 

However, in Maple 2023, things become strange; different branches return distinct numbers of edges: 
(33 arcs or 40 arcs?)



showstat(TransitiveReduction, 4)

GraphTheory:-TransitiveReduction := proc(G::GRAPHLN, $)
local D, V, T, i, j, k, A, M, n, flags, B;
   4   if _EnvDisableExt <> true then
       elif D <> (':-directed') then
       end if;
end proc


G__0 := Digraph({[2, 8], [3, 1], [4, 9], [5, 10], [6, 19], [7, 12], [8, 13], [9, 3], [10, 4], [10, 14], [11, 5], [11, 15], [12, 6], [12, 16], [13, 7], [13, 17], [14, 9], [15, 10], [15, 18], [16, 19], [17, 12], [17, 20], [18, 14], [19, 11], [19, 21], [20, 22], [21, 18], [22, 16], [22, 23], [23, 19]})

G__0 := `Graph 1: a directed graph with 23 vertices and 30 arc(s)`


G__1 := TransitiveReduction(G__0)

G__1 := `Graph 2: a directed graph with 23 vertices and 33 arc(s)`


_EnvDisableExt := trueG__2 := TransitiveReduction(G__0)

G__2 := `Graph 3: a directed graph with 23 vertices and 40 arc(s)`


IsIsomorphic(G__1, G__2)






Any bugs? 

G__0 := GraphTheory:-Digraph({[3, 1], [9, 3], [4, 9], [14, 9], [10, 4], [5, 10], [15, 10], [11, 5], [19, 11], [12, 6], [7, 12], [17, 12], [13, 7], [8, 13], [2, 8], [10, 14], [18, 14], [11, 15], [6, 19], [16, 19], [23, 19], [13, 17], [15, 18], [21, 18], [12, 16], [22, 16], [22, 23], [20, 22], [19, 21], [17, 20]}):
First 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Page 16 of 22