hello everyone. I have an undergradute project i'm currently working on and I'm stuck where I have to use the Differential Transforms Method to solve a problem with boundary conditions at infinity
Digits := 5;
F[0] := 0; F[1] := 0; F[2] := (1/2)*A; T[0] := 1; T[1] := B; M := 2; S := 1;
for k from 0 to 10 do F[k+3] := (2*(sum((r+1)*F[r+1]*(k+1-r)*F[k+1-r], r = 0 .. k))-T[k]-3*(sum((k+1-r)*(k+2-r)*F[r]*F[k+2-r], r = 0 .. k))-M*(k+1)*F[k+1])*factorial(k)/factorial(k+3);
T[k+2] := (-3*(sum((k+1-r)*F[r]*T[k+1-r], r = 0 .. k))-S*T[k])*factorial(k)/factorial(k+2)
end do; f := 0; t := 0;
for k from 0 to 10 do
f := f+F[k]*x^k;
t := t+T[k]*x^k end do;
but the problem is that i cant seem to evaluate
or higer diagonal pade-approximant. any help will be greatly appreciated. thank you.