
15 Reputation

2 Badges

9 years, 126 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by vahid65

How can I sketch the angles such as Pi/6 , Pi/4 or 7Pi/6 and etc by Maple 18? In general, what is maple commend for sketching angles?

How I can write a procedure in Maple 18 that it receives:

Inputs: function f(x) and real unmbers a and b (as interval [a,b]) and natural unmber n 

then devides interval [a,b] to n subinterval and computes f'(a), f'(a+(b-a)/n), f'(a+2(b-a)/n),..., and f'(a+n(b-a)/n)=f'(b)


showes at output: graph f(x) and all points [a,f'(a)], [a+(b-a)/n, f'(a+(b-a)/n)],[a+2(b-a)/n, f'(a+2(b-a)/n)]..., and [a+n(b-a)/n,f'(a+n(b-a)/n)] on a coordinate plane x-y

How I can write a procedure with Maple 18 that it receives function f(x) and x=a as inputs, 
then compute f'(a) and shows in output these 2 cases:

1) value f'(a)
2) curves f(x) ,y=f'(a)*(x-a)+f(a) and also the point (a,f'(a)) in a system ?

How I can sketch a line with equation (x-2)/3 = (y-1)/4 = (z-3)/3 in three dimentional space?

How I can sketch the helix with parametric equations x=2cost  y=sint  z=t  and the line with parameric equation x=-2t  y=1  z=(pi/2)+t   on a three-dimensional coordinate system?

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