
4 Reputation

2 Badges

19 years, 131 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by vt33

Thanks a lot for providing the worksheet. It shows that the problem is arising at my end because I have an older version (Maple 9.5). I will try to obtain Maple 10.03 which you have used. Thanks once again, vt33
Thanks a lot for providing the worksheet. It shows that the problem is arising at my end because I have an older version (Maple 9.5). I will try to obtain Maple 10.03 which you have used. Thanks once again, vt33
Thanks. I tried your suggestion but the problem is not solved. It seems the problem is occuring because the non-linear term X in the PDE becomes undefined (0/0 or 1/0) somewhere on the grid. If it is so, it is surprising because I have specified the initial/boundary conditions such that the three sides of the grid are strictly positive. I would highly appreciate any help in resolving this problem.
Thanks. I tried your suggestion but the problem is not solved. It seems the problem is occuring because the non-linear term X in the PDE becomes undefined (0/0 or 1/0) somewhere on the grid. If it is so, it is surprising because I have specified the initial/boundary conditions such that the three sides of the grid are strictly positive. I would highly appreciate any help in resolving this problem.
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