is a rewrite of the Syrup package, an electric circuit solver for Maple.  It reads either a SPICE-like syntax, or a compact ladder notation.This update runs on Maple 15. I've added a few features, such as the ability to export to Modelica, which can be used with the ?MapleSim product.  Also added are two new controls, .constraints and .vars, which can be used to define arbitrary constraint equations.  The motivation was to permit simulating an ideal op-amp via a virtual ground.  The Examples help page shows how it can be used.

The attached zip file has an installer which installs the package.  See the included README file for details on how to install it.  Help pages are included. Here is a simple demo

(**) with(Syrup):
(**) ckt := [V, R1, C, R2, L]:
(**) Solve(ckt, 'ac');
                              V (R2 + s L)
{v[1] = V, v[2] = -------------------------------------,
                  s C R2 R1 + R1 + s  L C R1 + s L + R2

                           s L V
    v[3] = -------------------------------------}
           s C R2 R1 + R1 + s  L C R1 + s L + R2


I submitted this to the Maple Application Center, will add a link here when it is available.  Also fixed a couple of minor bugs in the help pages; those fixes aren't included in the link I have here.


Pushed a new version that fixes a serious bug and also fixes minor bugs in the help pages.

27 Aug 2012:

The latest version, 0.1.16, is now available at the Maple Application Center

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