This post is continuing the theme of "animate implicitplot (a heart shape)". I tried to send a reply within this theme, but for some reason, my message is not loaded.

Two other formulas of the heart everyone can see on the website in the subject "Formula of Love" by reference

Another version of the animation based on one of these formulas:


N:=96:  # The number of frames

A:=seq(plot([[sin(t)^3, 13*cos(t)/15-cos(2*t)/3-2*cos(3*t)/15-cos(4*t)/15, t = 0 .. Pi*i/N],[-sin(t)^3, 13*cos(t)/15-cos(2*t)/3-2*cos(3*t)/15-cos(4*t)/15, t = 0 .. Pi*i/N]], color = red, thickness = 5,view=[-1..1,-1.2..0.9]),i=1..N):



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