I have noticed that there exists a Stack Exchange site for mathematica, and not for maple. My discussions with the part of Stack Exchange that handle the creation of a new Stack Exchange community have said that I must accrue a certain level of interest in the subject in order for it to be approved, and so I thought I would begin here to see if there is suffice level of interest.

This would not diminish the use of the Maple Primes forum, and an additional proposal, in consideration of the years of dedication that have gone into this domain, be to pool the data between the two, make reputation points the same on both, perhaps even user profiles and questions answered already linkable, and all of the questions already addressed here showing up in the search on both domains.

I am proposing this simply because I want to encourage the use of maple, and have noted that Stack Exchange is very popular. 

So I am posting this to get overall feedback from other Maple users, as to what their opinion is regarding this proposal, and advice on whether it should and how it ought to be pursued.

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